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A/N: please tell me if I've made mistakes, I've spent nearly an hour writing this and I haven't read through it. Hopefully it's alright though, thanks for reading x😊

Butters was laying on his bed, it was his Saturday, yet it didn't feel like it. His heart was tied up, his room warm but his feelings cold and ruined. It was about a week later after Kenny was arrested, and he felt empty. He knew that it was good that he broke up with him through bars, but it was bad to sour up his heart like that.

He was having a rough time. His mother was now due to give birth soon and basically no one visited him apart from Karen and Kevin. They were going to name the baby Kaden, going along with the 'K' child chain.

Stan came round every morning, giving him some eggs as he liked to bake, flour, milk and some sugar. He found it sweet. He's always been such a helpful friend. He called him, asking if he wanted to bake with him, and he accepted.

He heard a knock at the door, his parents out for dinner, and smiled at the sight of Stan. The black haired boy could see that he was his eyebrows were furrowed and he pulled him into his stomach. He just cried, and Stan stood there, stroking his soft hair slowly.

They then hugged, tight enough for Butters to feel safe. Safe was a word he rarely used now, even thought of. Since Kenny threatened to come back, he's been feeling so on edge that at times he couldn't breathe properly.

Stan slowly shuffled forward, closed the door, and sat on the sofa with Butters crying on top of him. He cried whenever he opened the door, the fear of Kenny on the other side with a knife. Stan understood him like a child's book, and he could read him perfectly. It helped them both as Butters didn't need to explain anything to him.

After 10 minutes of sitting down, Butters looked up at Stan. Their blue eyes locking in a safe atmosphere. "I'm right here." Stan spoke with a strong minty smell and smiled. Butters sat on his lap, playing with his hair for a minute.

The other didn't know how to react, so he just sat there staring into his space; that being the blonde. Time seemed to stop there and then.

Their lips connected softly, unknowingly. Eyes closed, hands on face and others on waist. It was calming and it was what they both needed. No noise could be heard until a few minutes later. Their lips connected and Stan could hear a small gasp or moan come from Butters. He smirked and dominated his whole mouth, holding him tighter.

They separated for air and a string of saliva was connected to their mouths. Stan found it cute, an innocent boy with a sexy aesthetic. Butters found it downright hot, a drinker with an everlasting bad boy feel. The taste was a mix of mint and sugar, basically their relationship in a nutshell.

They sat there for a while until Butters led him over to the kitchen in silence, both red. He didn't ignore the situation they were just in, though, as Stan wrapped his skinny hands and fingers around Butters small waist from behind.

Butters kissed his neck once, his breathing heavy and warm, then pointed to a recipe in a cook book. It read out the ingredients so they both separated and started measuring the ingredients.

"I hope you didn't mind that." Butters spoke shyly and turned red again. "I don't know why I just felt like I had to kiss you."

"I've always had the urge to kiss you so don't panic or apologise." Stan replied and the blonde turned his head.

"H-how long?"

"About 3 months. Recently it has become a really big crush, and I didn't really know how to act for a good while. I just needed to act normal and natural, I found. When I was going to talk to you sometimes, just us, I felt the urge to drink I was so stressed and scared. Bad thoughts cloud me, and it hurts honestly."

A Promise - South Park Fanfic - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now