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Kenny sat in his cell, waiting for someone to visit him. Seconds went by, minutes went by, hours went by, days went by. No one came, the last person was Karen after Butters. Butters had broken up with him, broke his heart. No worry, he could just find someone else. He just threatened to kill himself to try and scare him.

If he wanted Stan, so what? Kenny deserved better, he told himself. He had one person on his mind, but he would just wait..

He looked at his cellmate, Token.

He didn't speak, but just stared.

They knew they knew eachother, but didn't want to talk. Kenny always looked out of his barred window, breathing out as smoke proceeded to puff out.

Token was sitting on the side of his bed, not really doing anything. He just looked at his feet, then outside, then at the troubled blonde.

Kenny caught him looking at him and smirked. "If you just wanted to fuck you should have said so." He joked in a deep, seductive voice. Token rolled his eyes, looking him dead in the eyes.

"Fuck off you rat boy. Im straight and I've got a girlfriend. I'll be out in a matter of minutes, I'm getting bribed out." Token smirked.

"I can get out for free. But of course you're getting bailed out first, you're rich and have a strict household. Why would they want their son to stay in jail for..what was it?"

"It's not you're business."

"I'll tell you my reason. I attempted to rape my ex, Butters, while I was drunk."

"You say that with no care, no expression."

"Because he dumped me earlier on this week and it was a stupid idea in the first place. Now tell me yours."

"Fine. I accidentally killed a man. It's costing millions just to get this off of my record."

"Of course you killed someone."

"Huh?! What the hell do you mean by that?"

"Chill you're balls. You just always seemed like the person to kill someone. What reason?"

"My girlfriend was cheating on me with him. It was a one time thing for money and-"

"That's just an excuse."

"My girlfriend would never lie!"

"If she truly loved you she wouldn't do that. Also, didn't I hear her say that you were the only one while I watched a man visit her every night and leave just before you got into her flat?"

"But I always saw you as I got there..."

"Nichole is a real beautiful girl, you know?"

"You motherfucking bastard!"

Token jumped on Kenny, but he pushed him off with no worries.

"Chill. That was 7 months ago. I didn't love her, she didn't get money, but you're stubborn ass made her feel unloved. I'm only speaking from her mouth. Kill me if you want to, it'll just cost you a small fraction of you're wealth and some more guilt."

"I never asked to be cheated on with a slut or rich! I just want to be normal and get married to the girl of my dreams!"

Kenny let his body be thrown down. He would just wake up in bed, all safe and ready to find a new toy. Token stomped on his head numerous amounts of times, crying and gritting his teeth. The other Just lied there, losing consciousness quick and just accepted his fate.

His eyes closed and he smiled.


Kenny woke up slowly, lights in his eyes. He opened his eyes slightly, watching the figures cheer and comfort his weak body. He heard beeps, voices, felt pain. He was about to hold his head until he noticed tubes or something like that attached to his wrists.

A Promise - South Park Fanfic - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now