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Back at Louis' house, Louis prepared lunch, a lovely soup with ground nuts, chia seeds and cream. Harry is greeted by a warm aura of bliss and cosy, "t that smells l lovely Lou- ugh sorry d daddy" Harry says irritated at himself for messing up, "it's ok baby, and thanks", Louis places it down in front of him and Harry's eyes enlarge and he moves away from it swiftly, "hazza baby what's up" Louis asks in a concerned tone, "I I'm deathly a allergic to n nuts" Harry says, Louis swiftly grabs the bowl and takes it away from Harry, "baby I am so so sorry, I didn't know" louis rushes, "it's ok d Daddy, u didn't m mean it" Harry assures him, "baby I think we need to talk, like right now" Louis says sadly. 

"Ok so I have came to the conclusion that we have rushed into this way to fast, I mean what was I thinking, we barely know each other, so we are going to, not break up but we r gonna start again, get to know each other as friends and do stuff friends do and-" "can w we still c cuddle" Harry cuts him off hopefully, "of course baby, so how about me and you go out for dinner later, you go home just now and see Liam, and when we are out for dinner Liam can go with us and me and you can get to know us, ok" Louis asks, "o ok" Harry agrees, "cmon I will give you a lift back to you're house" Louis says,

|||At Harry's and Liam's house|||

"I think that's a great idea" Liam says when Louis leaves, "ok, non but I still t think I done S something wrong" Harry says sadly, "no of course not hazza, he just wants to get to know you better" Liam assures him, "Li Li" Harry asks, "yeh hazza?", "can you help me p pick an o outfit for t tonight" Harry asks, "of course" Liam chuckles, ding, 

From- Lou,, to Hazza

Hey, so as part of getting to know each other, I'm gonna ask you where you would like to go eat

To- Lou,, from Hazza 

Eh, well if u want me to choose, then can we go to that Asian restaurant, Wagamama

From- Lou,, to Hazza 

Of course 😊

"So Hazza, we narrowed it down to four skirts, five tops and six jackets, you're trying to hard" Liam chuckles "he obviously doesn't care what you wear, he wants you to be yourself" Liam tells him, "o okay how about m my pink s skirt, white c crop top, and b black denim j jacket" harry asks nervously, "sure" Liam says, "also Harry, after we go out, why don't you invite Louis round here and I will invite Niall and it could be a big sleepover thing" Liam suggests, "o ok" Harry says,

|||at dinner|||

"Hello, I'm Andrea and I will be you're waitress, are you guys ready for drinks or do you need some more time" Andrea in question is a woman around the same night as Louis, with long galaxy hair and icy blue eyes, Liams mouth was practically gaping and his eyes were on her, Harry giggled and Louis was holding in a laugh, "I will have a diet cola" Louis says politely, "water please" Harry asks, "yo Lover boy" Louis chuckles "u uh, just l lemonade please" he says blushing , "ok" Andrea giggles and winks at Liam on her way, that was all it took for Louis to start howling with laughter and Harry to giggle even more, "so Harry tell me a bit more about yourself then" Louis asks curiously, "o ok I'm, h Harry styles, I'm uh s seventeen, I S sing in my f free time, my favourite c colour is uh p pink and I like lots of music, but especially classical and musicals" Harry says hoping he was interesting, "loveLy, I'm Louis Tomlinson, I'm 23, I also like to sing and I love drawing, my favourite colour is burgundy, and my favourite music is pop and country" Louis tells him, "oh c cool, also, c country is b boring" Harry giggles, Louis gasps in mock-offence, "how dare you" he chuckles, just then Andrea comes back with there drinks, "hi here is the cola, the water and lemonade" she hands them and then she gives Liam a napkin with a note on it 

Hey lover boy, here is my number, call me ;)  077459337 

Liam looks at it and blushes, an eruption of oohs and whistles come from Louis and Harry, "oh shut up" Liam says embarrassedly, "so Hazza, anymore allergies I should know about" Louis asks, "nope, just nuts" Harry says, "a also I h have asthma" Harry adds, "ok" Louis replies, "o oh, w would you like t to have a S sleepover" Harry asks blushing, "of course cutie" Louis says making Harry blush more. After this they ate dinner and chatted more and Harry and Louis got to know each other. 

|||at Harry and Liam's house|||

"So guys what we gonna do" Niall asks, "well we could watch a-", "CAN WE WATCH IT" Niall cuts Liam off, "sure that ok with you guys" Liam asks, Harry hated IT but nodded anyway as not to upset the blonde, Louis nodded as well. Liam bent down to put the movie in and Niall let out a whistle, "wow Liam bending over in front of me" Niall jokes, Liam blushes furiously, "shut up Niall"  Liam says confused as to why it affected him this much, Harry sat in Louis lap and Liam sat next to Niall, truth was Liam didn't like IT either but he wouldn't wanna upset Niall. Half way through the movie Harry was practically whimpering and had his eyes squeezed shut to stop himself from crying with fear, "hey Hazza, what's up" Louis asks concerned, "I I'm really S scared" he whispers do only Louis will hear, "aw Hazza it's ok I will get us out of here" Louis whispers, Louis fake yawns " oh wow I'm tired, I'm gonna hit the hay, you coming Hazza" Louis says, "sure", the wander off to Harry's room...

Meanwhile in the movie room, Liam was stealing glances at Niall And blushes when Niall catches him, "hey Liam I know you wanna snuggle and you aren't gonna ask so I'm gonna offer, wanna snuggle" Niall asks smirking, Liam nods and silently cuddles up to Niall. Now Niall wasn't very hygienic and went days without showering, Liam secretly loved this, he didn't know why but the smell of Niall was so good to him, (especially after the gym). He subconsciously took in a sniff and let out a content sigh. Niall new Liam loved this as he once read Liam's diary. 

In the bedroom Harry was snuggled into Louis letting out snores every so often. Louis fell asleep with his arm around Harry.

And Liam somehow ended up sleeping snuggled up to Niall and Niall wasn't complaining


hey guys, hope you're all ok, did u enjoy this chapter, who do u think Liam will end up with, Andrea or Niall (or both) leave a comment with you're guess and also do u think Harry and Louis will get "back together" soon lol. As usual hope you all are ok and peace out ✌🏻 


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