Chapt 4

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Wow I don't even remember to update my own book welp I must cry now cause Idk anyways just enjoy the chapter

I wake up, I look outside and notice.... 'wow it's night time already how dare they not bring me to bed' I get up and grab my phone which was for some reason on the table and see my cup still their. It was cold now, I shrugged it off and started drinking it I mean cold hot chocolate doesn't taste that bad, plus I just also noticed that Patton was gone, how could I be so dumb. Anyways, I'm gonna go outside and torture myself. I look outside and it's like piles and piles of snow out their,dam hopefully they won't mind if I just... I walk outside and grabs some snow balls, I laugh at myself cause I know this gonna be funny I walk up to romans room first cuz he gets really dramatic when he woken up. So I steady my aim, and....throw! I run to Patton's and Logan's room doing the same thing then run to mine cause I know that I'm gonna die. I hear them gathering out into the hall, and I just couldn't take it anymore roman was literally screeching, I bursted out laughing I just couldn't help myself

3rd POV
"Who. The. Frick. Did. That!!!!!" "Roman calm yourself" Logan said calmly "calm myself?! CALM MYSELF!? I swear to god whoeve-" they heard laughing in Virgils room as he came out, they all looked at him "I-I knew this was g-gonna happen" he snickered "but it was totally worth it!" He started laughing even more "I'll give you five seconds to run before I tell patton what's been on your mind, or should I just tell hi-" "DONT YOU EVEN DARE THINK ABOUT DOING THAT but if you don't mind I just gonna go now" he said walking downstairs slowly "well that was interesting wasn't it?" "Very" Logan said chuckling "also Roman what do you mean when you said he had something in his mind" Roman looked at them and smirked "you'll just have to find out yourselves" he said than ran downstairs "I wonder what their keeping" "yes and it also seems lik-" choking.... They ran downstairs "what's going on!?" "Hi *cough* how are *cough* you today?" Virgil giggled "I'm totally *cough* not choking" "goddam Virgil" "aww is ro ro mad" Virgil giggled "you kinda look like a grumpy cat" he laughed "you guys are idiots" Logan said pinching the bridge of his nose "wow you've finally noticed, you are definitely not the last person to know" Virgil smiled proudly "hey!" "What?" "No saying bad stuff about yourself or I WILL physically fight you!" "DaM bOi CaLm Yo SeLf" "yourself" Logan corrected "hmph! Fine!" Virgil sat down "this is now my mad seat, where I sit here when I wanna hiss at someone" "but why not-" "hiss!!!!!" "Ok then" "well I'm gonna go take my kitty nap now" Virgil said getting up jumping on the couch face first

Eeeeeeeek last chapter now I must sit and read this and see how many mistakes I made (which was probably all of it)

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