Chapter 5

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As we all fricking know it's virgies POV oof

Virgil's POV
oof I have hit the surface and it hurt "y'all I'm hurt" I turn around to notice them all staring at me confused "I'm hurting in the heart man" I say fake crying "well frick, what are we supposed to do now" Roman said plainly "maybe act like a real prince and save me!...bish" princy did his original offended princy noises "your soooo annoying!" "No I'm not!!" he screamed "shhhhhhhhhhhhhh your ruining the moment, we need Roman angst" Logan just looked at the both of us and started heading back to his room "nooo Logan! Don't leave me with this idiot!" He sighed "I don't think I can do that. As I see, he was an idiot in the beginning" roman gasped "haha even the nerd called you out! HAH" "why y'all gotta be so rude" Roman pouted "I don't know, cus we lovveeeee you?" He gasped "really!?" "No" I say plainly "oh" he said looking down "this is some real Roman angst y'all" "I- kiddos are you ok?" He snorted "was I ever ok?" They all glare at me, I just smile back "anyways.. I'm gonna go back to my room" i say as i stand up "mkay" "MkAy" I said mocking him "hey!" Roman yelled at me offended, I chuckled

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