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~Time skip: 2 months~

Kevin rubbed the sleep out of his eyes then stared up at the ceiling. Another morning he woke up alone. How much did he have to wake up alone? He hugged Hyunjoon's pillow close to him, not wanting to get out of bed. Hyunjoon never told him what day he was coming back and the fact he didn't know was stressing him out.

Kevin had reluctantly gotten out of bed and freshened up. He settled with cold cereal, having little motivation to cook anything. It was going to be a long day.

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Kevin noticed Mariebelle and Yoonmin weren't present in the lab despite it being past the time they should've arrived. Kevin got settled in his office then drummed his fingers against his desk. It was too odd. He dialed each of their numbers but received no response.

Morning and most of the afternoon had passed and neither Mariebelle nor Yoonmin had shown up. They were definitely getting punishment for it, especially for not giving prior notice.

"Dr. Moon! Are you in?" a voice called out.

Kevin immediately left his seat, knowing exactly whose loud voice it was.

"I've been trying to contact you since this morning and what in the name of sunflowers is that big box doing in here?" Kevin asked, noticing a rather large box sitting beside her.

"Oh, afternoon Dr. Moon." said Yoonmin.

"And you! No prior notice?" Kevin fussed.

"Open the box." said Mariebelle, ignoring his anger.

"I won't be opening anything until I get explanations." Kevin said with crossed arms.

"Okay, okay. We had a surprise for you and we needed to get it ready. Took longer than we expected, but here it is. What's inside is the surprise." said Yoonmin, knowing Kevin favorited him.

Kevin half heartedly accepted the explanation before removing the top of of the box. His eyes widened before fresh tears welled up in his eyes. They soon started to stream down his face as he started to sob.

"There, there. You really like the surprise don't you?" Mariebelle said.

Kevin shook his head as he wiped his cheek.

"I love it." he said, holding it tight.

"I'm home, Moonflower." Hyunjoon said, hugging Kevin just as tight.

"I know... I know... I'm so glad you are..." Kevin weeped, afraid of letting go.

Mariebelle and Yoonmin exchanges looks, glad to see their mentor this happy. Yoonmin felt slightly bitter as he had to lie low again, but he certainly wasn't going to forget those nights he and Kevin kissed. Mariebelle on the other hand was thrilled to have Hyunjoon back. He was a nice distraction from the boring work Kevin would give her.

"All right, lets stop crying now, okay? Good boy." whispered Hyunjoon, drying Kevin's face. "Why don't we all have a day off and celebrate my homecoming?"

"Yeah... Yeah, let's do that." agreed Kevin as he sniffled. "I won't punish you two as a thanks for this..."

They high fived each other before thanking Kevin and leaving. Hyunjoon pushes the box aside as he led Kevin to his office to gather his things.

"How long did you three plan this?" Kevin asked as Hyunjoon carried his bags.

"Hm, a few days. It wasn't an intricate plan so it didn't need a whole lot of preplanning." said Hyunjoon.

They climbed into the car, Kevin in the passenger seat and Hyunjoon at the wheel.

"Where would my beautiful husband like to go on our day off?" Hyunjoon asked.

"Honestly? Home. I don't want to be out. Staying home with you is the best thing I could ask for right now." said Kevin, leaning against the window.

Hyunjoon hummed in understanding as he pulled out of the parking spot.

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Kevin curled up beside Hyunjoon as they watched a TV show together.

"You know, I've been wondering something." said Kevin, pointing at the TV.

"Speak." Hyunjoon replied.

"So this show, Ali'i, it's got these super powered power and whatnot, but yet no one had an ability to see this coming." Kevin commented, watching them fight.

"It adds to the drama I guess." replied Hyunjoon. "But even still, I think it's pretty good. I wasn't expecting him to be staging his own plan."

"I agree." said Kevin with a nod.

Hyunjoon rubbed Kevin's arm lovingly, truly glad to be back home and holding his husband in his arms. It was a hellish six months, but he had survived. They survived. Would he do it again? Well, that's a story for another day, isn't it?

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