Chapter 1

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  "Rise 'n shine boys, them papes ain't gonna sell themselves!" You yelled as you rushed through the boy's room, trying to leave before Jack and Crutchie got in from their "penthouse" on the roof. You were met by a slur of groans and some choice words from Racetrack Higgins, which of course the boys all followed with yells of:

  "Hey! That ain't no way to speak to no goil."

  "Manners Race!"

  "Can it man!"   

  You laughed and shook your head at how ridiculous those boys were, but you couldn't help but love them all, they're your family. Grabbing your cap to run out the door you turn to leave and run smack into none other than, "Jack! Good mornin' my dearest brother, I was just 'bout ta go, uh, sell me some papes?" You said, knowing full well that you did not sell papes.

  Manhattan has had a strict no female Newsies rule ever since they had that issue with men being handsy with some of their girls. You were kind of glad they had that rule, not because you couldn't fend for yourself on the streets, but it gave you the chance to get a better job at a bakery. Sure, you have to walk back and forth from Brooklyn daily, but you can't complain, it's home to Spot Conlon. He may be the feared "King of Brooklyn", but you liked to call him Spotty. He's been your boyfriend for the past 6 months, today being your anniversary.                               

  "Oh was ya now?" Jack said with a smirk, "I didn't know da rules here had changed. D'you know, Babe?" He said to Crutchie, his fiancé, who shook his head, looking amused "I hads no clue, hon."

  "I meant I's goin' to work, Jack. It's a metaphor thingy, y'know?" you said, trying to redeem yourself. Jack laughs and makes fun of you for it a little. "Oh a metaphor thingy, of course. Well, you's leavin' a bit early ain't you?" he questioned. "Usually you's the last of us all to leave, what's the rush?"

  "I just wanted to be early s'all"

  He raised his eyebrows, "Hmm, you sure it ain't got nothing to do with that snake Conlon? You's in his territory an awful lots for someone that ain't never wanted somethin' ta do wit him." He was more serious now, his voice slightly laced with anger and a venom. Jack hates Spot more than anyone you know. They've had quite a few pretty bad fights in the past all of them ending with Jack being soaked pretty bad. They haven't happened more recently though and Jack's been pretty skeptical about why. You acted disgusted that he would even bring up his name, trying to fight back the blush that was threatening to rise on your cheeks.

  "That slimy lowlife? Hells no Jack. He's about as useless to me as a screen door on a submarine!" Crutchie let out a laugh at that one and quickly tried to stifle it as you glared at him. "I'm serious you two. I ain't got nothin' to do with Spot Conlon."

  "Conlon?" Race said as he walked by, "Tell him hey for me like always? You's a doll (y/n)" he says with a quick kiss to the top of your head before leaving. You and Race have always been close, he's your best friend, but sometimes your surprised by how dense he is. You pinch the bridge of your nose as Jack starts screaming at you.

  "So's you is seein' him! How many times do I gotta tell you to stay aways from that know nothing, skirt-chasing, cocky little son of a" -DING DING DING- Jack gets cut off by the circulation bell.

  "We ain't got time to talk about this right now Jack, you and Crutchie needs to go get your papes" you said in hopes that he'd drop it. He opened his mouth to protest but let out a frustrated sigh when Crutchie laid a hand on his shoulder. "Fine" he grumbled out "But I ain't want you anywhere near Brooklyn today, ya hear me?"

  You roll your eyes "Fine" you say as Crutchie leads the grumbling Jack to go buy papes giving you a knowing smile on his way out.

  You're the only one left in the lodging house and it suddenly hits you how utterly boring today is going to be without the boys here to keep you company and not being able to go see Spot. You decided to clean the place since it's been a while since any chores were done. That only takes you a couple hours and you still have a whole day until the boys get back. You decided that you wanted to get them all a gift and clean them all an outfit to surprise them for dinner tonight. You had been saving up to buy Spot some really nice new red suspenders but didn't think you would have the money by his birthday for the pair you had in mind. You decided to put the money towards this instead. If you worked over the weekend you would have enough money again to get him a decent pair, so you decided it was okay. 

  You went out, making sure to stay where the boys wouldn't see what you were getting. You got them each a gift and brought all of them back to the lodging place and wrapped them in some newspapers that were laying around. You hoped these things would soften the blow and distract everyone from the fact that you were sweet on Spot and had lied to them about it. The boys would be home soon so you got to work on making dinner. As you were taking the last pan from the oven the boys came tumbling in loud and excited as usual. They all stopped, silent, when they looked around the lodge and saw how clean it was and the giant pile of presents for them all in the corner.

  Jack pushed his way in from the back of the group, "What's a matter boys it's like you's has seen a ghost..." he trails off, looking around. You walk up to the group, their mouths all falling open when they see you. You're in your best dress with your hair done up nicely, a strange sight for them because you usually dress in one of Jack's old shirts and some jeans. 

  "Close your mouths boys, you's gonna catch flies. Dinner'll be done in ten minutes get yourselves upstairs and change inta the clothes on your bunks. I got yous all a little somethin' for after dinner too, now go." All the boys run off excited and Jack walks past you with raised eyebrows. "Oh, Jack, make sure the boys is presentable"

  "And why's that?"

  "We's gonna have a guest." you say as someone knocks on the door. Jack sighs before going to keep the boys on task. You take a deep breath, smoothing out your dress and smiling to yourself as you open the front door.

Part 2 soon!! I'm excited for this one, I haven't had this much fun writing in a long time , See you later :)

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