Chapter 11

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A/N: Sorry it took so long to update! Hope you're staying safe out there! Please read, comment, vote and whatever else :)


Tomorrow, everything will change. I won't be able to look at the sky anymore. I won't be able to look at the clouds. I stare at them from the window of my hotel room, trying to remember everything about them- how fluffy and perfectly white they are, and their flat bottoms. Tomorrow, I'll be above the clouds. Every time I think about it, I get butterflies in my stomach. I still don't know how I feel. Knowing my mom is proud of me helps, but I have an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

I sit on my bed, holding my phone and waiting for Ray to answer. I'm devastated that my mom has to work all day. I won't have time to hear her voice or see her face before I go. I hope she leaves me a voice recording like she used to when I was younger. The thought of not hearing her voice for almost a year makes me want to die.

Ray appears on the other end of my phone. I  hear his little siblings and nieces and nephews running around in the background. "Hey, Grace," he grins.

I'm so happy to see him. But it makes me sad to think I may not again for God knows how long. "Are you babysitting?"

Ray shakes his head. "No, I think Gloria's trying to make them lunch," he explains. He looks over his shoulder as a child screams. "Anyway, big day tomorrow, yeah?" I catch the sadness in his eyes. He also looks nervous about something. His face is flushed.

"Yeah, I can't believe it." I don't want to waste my time telling him about the ordeal with Nick and Gary. It wouldn't do anything other than piss him off. I don't want our last conversation before I leave to be like that.

"Me either."

"Man, I'm going to miss you like crazy," Ray says sadly. I hate him. He's going to make me cry.

"You know I'm going to miss you too."

"You remember when I asked you to be my girl?" Ray questions, like I somehow would have forgotten.

   I nod my head with a nostalgic laugh. We were in tenth grade. He'd just walked me home from school and then an hour later, he showed back up at my door with a plastic rose and asked me to be his girlfriend. Up until that point, that was the most romantic thing that had ever happened to me. I still have the rose.

  "I love you, Grace. And even though I've been a dick about it, I'm so proud of you. You really make me wanna get my life together. And I didn't wanna tell you until I knew for sure, but I'm starting at the community college in August."

My face breaks into a wide grin. I squeal with joy. "Ray, that's awesome! What are you going to study?"

  "Auto Mechanics," Ray answers.

  Duh. "I should have known. What changed your mind?"

  "Ray's expression becomes serious again. "You, Grace. I know you're meant for big things and I just need to be the right kind of man for you. I don't wanna get left behind. I wanna be with you forever."

  I'm taken aback by Ray's sweet words. I feel guilty for ever doubting him. "I want to be with you, too."

  Ray's face turns red again. "You're gonna be real mad at me for this, but..."

"But what?"

Holding his phone with one hand, Ray bends down on his knee. He pulls out another cardboard jewelry box I can tell came from his cousin's store. He pushes it open with his thumb, showing off a tiny gold ring. This can't be what I think it is. "I mean, I can't put it on you till you come back but Grace Gutierrez, would you be my wife?"

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