Nobody loves the piss baby

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Kokichi Ouma's biological parents abandoned him on his 6th birthday. The purple-haired boy was filled with mischief from the second he was birthed, his parents were tired of it and disowned and sent him away to an orphanage so they could live a free life without his annoying ass. Sadly, the couple died the same day they abandoned their son and they never got a taste of the bliss they dreamed of. 

The orphanage the young human boy was sent to was animal-owned. Kokichi had never been very close to the anthropomorphic half of society, his parents have always considered that part of the world "problematic" and kept him away from it. But today he was being adopted. The boy was being adopted by two animals. He patiently waited in the main office for his new parents to arrive. 

The couple adopting Kokcihi was an *obviously* virgin wolf and a handsome deer man. As they walked into the room Kokichi's pants got wet. He urinated.  The reason the purple boy could not tolerate his parents was not because they were part animal-- but because they were gay. Kokichi Ouma was extremely homophobic and seeing two males in love made him want to barf.  

"Hello, young boy, my husband and I are here to adopt you." the wolf said to Kokichi, Kokichi flinched when he heard the wolf's voice though, knowing that he was a gay wolf made him want to die. 

"He-hello" Kokichi managed to squeeze out. "I'm Kokichi." He pouted. 

"I'm Legoshi, and this is my husband, Louis." the wolf said, pointing to the stubborn looking deer who wore only a pink mini-skirt and fishnet stockings. "From today on, we will be your daddies."

Kokichi Ouma was disgusted by how proud the two were of their sinful homosexuality, he wanted to kick each of them in the snout. But he didn't. He shook hands with his two new fathers and they took him to their car. Their car was purple and had a bumper sticker that said 'Gay Furry Pride', Kokichi tried very hard to resist the urge to vomit. 

Before entering the car, Louis noticed Kokichi's pants. 

"Did you pee on yourself?" The deer was concerned. 

"No, I didn't. I just spilled water earlier and it hasn't dried yet. Sorry"

"Oh, alright then, well. When we get home we'll let you take a shower and you can change into something else if it hasn't dried yet." Louis was so caring. 

It was clear to the boy, that this couple was filled with love and empathy, it disgusted him. He didn't know how long it would be until his homophobia would encourage him to hurt the couple. The drive felt like forever to Kokcihi, he had only known his parents for 50 minutes or such but he already hated them deeply. During the drive, Legoshi would kindly ask his son normal questions to get to know the boy better, "Do you have any hobbies?", "Do you play any sports?", "How many states are you wanted in for violent crimes such as arson?". Legoshi got to learn that the boy liked to play chess, has always been bad at sports, and is only wanted in 3 states for arson. 

Pee Boy And His ParentsWhere stories live. Discover now