Everything's purple.

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The family hopped out of the car and they headed to their apartment building. It was a small purple apartment building, it was kinda ugly. Kokichi thought that the building radiated a gay-energy and therefore hated it. 

While Legoshi was unlocking the door a random frog man walking past the family punched him the back of the head. "You stupid furry, I hope you die." It made Legoshi a little bit sad but this happened to the wolf often, so he decided to ignore it. But Kokichi was shocked, he never knew that these animal people could ever be so violent. He didn't understand them at all. Their pure existence made him angry and confused. 

Thoughts like 'why were I abandoned?' and 'why had I been chosen by them??' and 'is this my fate?' never left his mind. He wished he were dead. 

When the family entered the small apartment, Kokichi realized, the entire room was purple. The walls were purple, the floor was purple, all of the furniture was purple, there wasn't a single non-purple thing in the entire room. And although Kokichi had been born with purple hair, he despised the color purple because it was part of the gay pride flag. (that's why he only dresses in black and white, he's straight.) 

The boy was so disgusted. He didn't mean to, but he ended up vomiting seconds after he entered. 

"A-are you okay? Kokichi?" Legoshi said, very worried about his new son. He reached out his hand to the boy, but the boy swatted it away. "Don't touch me." he cried. 

Kokichi stepped back. "I'm sorry to tell you this, Legoshi and Louis. But I'm homophobic. And I find every single thing you two do absolutely disgusting." He spits at them. 

"Oh.," Legoshi said. he was surprised. And Louis was too shocked to say anything. 

The couple thought that by adopting a child they would have someone to finally accept them when society turned them away. But it turned out that the stupid brat was no different from the rest. 

"Then I guess we'll have to eat you." 

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