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"W-what?! What do you mean?" Kokichi shivered. He couldn't understand the wolf, was he being serious? Kokichi hoped that it was just a terrible joke. 

But Legoshi curled up his fist and punched Kokichi in the face. He continued to punch the boy repeatedly while Louis hurried into the kitchen to grab a sharp knife. Kokichi's face began turning black and he was begging for Legoshi to stop. Where had things gone so wrong? Why did his mother and father hate him? Why did it have to come to this? 

Legoshi was cursing at the boy endlessly. Legoshi had trusted him, he had hope in the boy, the couple had felt so close to acceptance but the little fucker just had to ruin it all and betray them like that. The poor boy's face was beaten, he could barely see anything. Louis pulled the boy's head up by his hair and sneered. 

"No, please, please don't. I'm begging. Please. I didn't mean it." he whimpered. 

Louis took the knife and slowly punctured the boy's chest. He coughed up a bit of blood before screaming out in pain and agony. Blood was getting all over the place, but Louis had purposely missed the heart so that Kokichi would stay alive. He was crying out in pain. 

"Shhhh, Kokichi, you're making too much noise," Legoshi said, then he bit the boy in the neck, killing him. 

The couple worked together to saw his arm off, then they tossed the arm into a backpack and decided to leave their apartment building. Leaving the orphan's helpless corpse there. 

The couple would never return to that apartment building ever again, the two would continue to walk down the road until they find a place where no one else exists. Kokichi Ouma's body was found 3 weeks later by the rabbit named Haru who wanted to visit Legoshi and Louis. She reported it to the police but they never investigated the crime. Rumors say the detectives may have eaten th

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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