Chapter 3: I dunno what to put here

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Author POV

d r i p... d r o p...

d r i p... d r o p...

d r i p... d-GASP...

Error had woken up with a startled gasp, as his eye sockets are widened and soul pounding. Error tried to get up but then realizes he's strapped to a table, with his female ecto body and no clothing. His breathing started to speed up due to him panicking. He had no idea what was happening, but all he knew was that... something is going to-
With the 😈 BAD SANSES👿

"Hey guys? Isn't it weird for error to stop destroying out of no where?" A skeleton with a over sized tan turtle neck with a blue heart on his left eye had spoke. "Boss it is pretty weird.." A known skeleton who has huger pains had also spoken with worry.

"Horror, Crush I'm sure error is fine.." Another skeleton had spoken, but his features were different then the rest for he has one of his eyes covered up with some goo and covered in what looked like black tar and 4 tentacles sprouting out from his back with one glowing blue eye, narrowed with annoyance.

"Alright then Nightmare hopefully you're right...." The identified skeleton, Crush, had spoken for he, and Horror, had been annoying the latter for an hour with their worrying questions of the missing destroyer.
With the ⭐️Star Sanses🌟

The artistic skeleton, Ink sans, was chatting with Blue, Underswap Sans, (And dream, sorta-) when Geno, Aftertale Sans, and another skeleton had bursted in. The unidentified skeletons appearance was he had a T for his right eye light, and a H for his left eye light, the skeleton had a large grey lab coat with a yellow shirt underneath.

As Blue and Ink studied the new skeletons appearance( and genos ) The gaurdian of positivity (who was blushing gold) had questioned the two skeletons "Truth..? Geno..? W-What are you two doing here..?" The identified skeleton had ignored Dream, and Geno had been trying to pull Truth away.

Keyword: Tried

Truth had stomped over to where Ink and blue were, he had then grabbed the creator of the AUs scarf and slammed him against the wall, very harshly, with a very angered expression. As much as Geno had been trying to pull back Truth, he had an angered expression as well Geno had then yelled. "WHERES MY BROTHER. INK?!".

————————————————————————————————————(All though Truth didn't like error. He did it for his friend, and his husband, since they were friends of his. )

Heyooo!! Its been awhile since i updated it huh..? Sorry about that! Just.. school and now the corona virus so.. I also did have a but of a writers block but im a okay now :D

Published: 3-23-20
time: 2:19 pm
Edited 1: 9:53 pm

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