The Tablet... Chapter 3 "King"

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So when I woke up I went on my Ipad. Meliodas asked me what it was so I explained it to him. Then Olivia woke up only in under garments and someone got a nosebleed but not me his name doesn't have a lot of letters you can continue from there for me. So as in the anime we are in we went to the capital of death saw king and right now we are actually in the capital of death, as we were there Olivia saw someone... HER YOUNGER BROTHER?! Ok, Ok get it together, so her brother is DEAD. Ya know da drill ban saw Elaine but Meliodas saw Liz, yup Liz that person he groped 34 years ago (don't actully know how long so yeah) and he cried so yeah and it turns out Olivia is the reincarnation of Elaine what a plot twist. What a twist, that's very twisty. Sooooo yeah I'm tired... of not doing anything! Hah, jk I'm tired.

The next day

So it's the next day we ran the bar got money yeah yeah the norm, but Meliodas fell down the stairs and that never happens, I mean never. He looked pale, I'm going outsid- *insert yelling here* and we saw...


I know this is from season 1 JoJo but...

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