The Tablet... Chapter 2 "Diane and ban"

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Joshuas POV

So as we were talking with Meliodas he then asked the one question I want to stamp him for "so, you guys dating?" I then mentally screamed so loud it could be heard if you were right in front of me so I said "no" cause we aren't sooo yeah

1 day later

We were doing work at the boar hat I made some ale (beer) somehow and everyone... LOVED IT we got a full $200 each today cause nothing in life is free during that time a "person named Meliodas of the 7 deadly sins" came in and we "learned" that Meliodas was the dragon sin not Elizabeth so yeah oh and Meliodas taught me a bit on full counter he said I was a natural well no-duh in the real world not in this stupid tablet I practice it during the summer and during 2nd recess at school so yeah I'm gonna be good.

Time skip to beginning of forest of white dreams thing

So we were at the beginning of the forest of white dreams Elizabeth lost her panties and... my clothing disappeared and mrs Elizabeth that's right not Olivia Elizabeth got a MAJOR nosebleed by major that she got knocked out  yup that's right knocked out then Meliodas cried literally crying waterfalls I was in the bushes 'cause my clothes are gone, then Elizabeth woke up I came back with a leaf around my balls  then multiple me came then Meliodas asked "us" to jump I did I don't care if people see my balls then the others balls didn't get seen but mine did then Elizebeth got another nosebleed yup another one so when we found Diane I got more leafs. I then thought did Meliodas take my clothes but when gilthinder came he asked me if the clothes were mine as he found them at the place I lost them and they were ripped in half except for my pants and underwear those were shredded, utterly shredded then the other crap happened yeah.

The next day

So I got new clothes but my arm was gone soooo yeah how I lost my arm is that Diane stepped on it, ripped it off now I'm sad. So at night I forgot that I slept on the floor of the bar so someone insisted that I came to their Bed, you can guess who, so after that crap we found baste prison where Ban was so you guys know the deal ban and meliodas arm wrestle the prison falls apart my arm is still gone yeah. I'm going to sleep.

The next day again

For some reason my arm came back yeah someone flirted with me, I didn't know how to feel

(449 words yaaaaay)

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