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- Three months after ch.5 -

Pha's POV.

I think I love him...

I love him?

Yeah, I think I love him.

Damn. I'm screwed...

Forth and I haven't talked much this month, I've been busy in the hospital, he's been busy on a 'spy' mission as we call it. He's trying to gather intel on Wen's gang, but it's taking longer than we thought it would. He was only supposed to be there for a week, but it's been almost two months. Ming thinks he changed sides - I think he's just doing his best to not make himself look suspicious. I hope he's alright...

I was lying in bed, watching TV, when my pager started making noise - letting me know that something was happening downstairs. I got up and looked down at the small screen.


As soon as I read that I jumped up and ran downstairs - while trying to put my lab coat on.

"Where is he?" I asked as soon as I saw Beam run by wheeling a stretcher.

"He's still in the parking lot - he's not hurt, just 'guarding' for the gang. He'll come in soon," Kit said, and I was finally able to breathe again.

He's ok. That's all that matters.

*gun sounds*

"Pha! Lock the place down!" Ming yelled while grabbing Yo from the NICU and dragging him to the safe room.

I pulled the emergency button and the whole building was safe from any outside threats.

Right before the front door shut, Forth ran through - he was bleeding as well. There goes my anxiety through the roof again. I yelled over to Kit to get a room open while I helped Forth walk over. He was shot in the side, right under his ribs - it looks bad, I just hope it isn't as bad as it looks.

"I'm ok, don't worry too much," Forth said and winced when I pushed him back on to the hospital bed, he would've resisted if I didn't push him.

"Pha, I'm fine," Forth mumbled. He's always hated when Kit, Beam, or I try to fix his wounds. I paged for Kit and he came over to help me figure out how to do this. I didn't want to knock him out - but with all the blood loss I was gonna have to.

"I'll distract him, you get the IV and stuff," I whispered to Kit and he nodded agreeing.

"Forth," I came over and sat beside him - attempting to distract him - Kit came back and laughed at my lame attempt. He came over and whispered in my ear.

"Kiss him - he'll be too distracted to fight it,"

"No way," I said.

"We have no other option," Kit said acting like this was something about another patient.

Kit just gave me his death glare - that shit's scary - so I went over to Forth and did what he said.

Forth was surprised, realized why I did it - but didn't mind and let it happen.

- Three days later -

Forth is fine - the bullet didn't hit anything important - but Kit did accidently hit a nerve during surgery, so now he's temporarily paralyzed from the waist down. But it'll wear off soon. He was mad about it at first, but now 'loves' it, because I have to take care of him/help him with everything - he's being a handful to say the least.

"Pha!" Forth yelled from his hospital room - which was right next to my office... I hate it.

"What?" I asked and stood beside his bed. I was not In a good mood today, Yo was being bitchy and it was annoying me. I get that he's seven months pregnant, but he shouldn't be this much of a diva...

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