Café Talk

653 19 15

As Kiba and Naruto walk into the town square, they see Konan and Hinata booking it. Naruto cant help but chuckle while Kiba just bursts out laughing. They both walked in front of Cafe Konoha as both Konana and Hinata slowed in front of the cafe to catch their breath.

As soon as Konan saw their laughter, her face got a bit red with anger. "Dont laugh! At least we're here at a decent time! We left Hinata's house literally 5 minutes ago."

Naruto looked towards Hinata, who was crouched over trying not to cough up her lungs from running so much. "Nata, dont you live 20 minutes away??" Hinata could do nothing but nod.

"Konan!" Narutos dismay seemed to make Kiba laugh a little harder as Konan prepared to defend herself, but they were interrupted by a knock on the cafe window.

It was one of their friends, Gaara, waving at them to come inside. Naruto motioned towards the other three to come inside, but when he saw Hinata about to fall over, he went to catch her fall.

"Thanks sunshine." Naruto chuckled at the nickname. "No problem Nata." He dragged Hinata inside and sat at their regular table. There was Gaara, sitting with a latte and typing on his computer, Kurama and Deidara, both with tea while sharing a phone looking at something, & Ino and Temari with some sort of cake while playing a card game.

"Hey guys." As soon as Naruto sat Hinata in a chair Temari, Kurama, Deidara, & Konan crowd Naruto.

"Well...?" They all ask. Naruto already knew, time to share exploits and dirty details.

"Mr. Takuna Maoa. Ok personality, big house and great car, yet is not working with much." All four groan in disappointment as they fall back in their seats.

"I had a hunch Sunshine. I told you not to go for anyone on the football team." Gaara looks up from his computer just to shoot an 'I told you so look at Naruto' "People dont gossip for nothing."

"Yeah yeah Sandman I get it. How was Mr. Lee? Was he any better than Maoa?"

Gaara rolls his eyes. "I dont know. We didnt do anything but watch movies all night, and he 'shushed' when I interrupted the movie." Gaara looks up at the group and sees them all with an 'I told you so look'.

"Oh fuck all of you." Gaara goes back to typing and leaves the group to their buisness.

"Ino, didn't you leave with Ten-Ten?" Ino grumbled. "Yeah but she was adamant about our meet up being strictly curiosity for her." Ino drops her head on the table.

"I just want a girlfriend! I'm too pretty and gay for this world guys...."

"Naw, you're just too gay." Ino shot a glare towards Kiba, who quickly shut his mouth.

"Kiba, are you really in a position to talk? When's the last time you've got any?" Konan chimed while sipping on Kurama's tea. Kiba just rolled his eyes and looked away.

The rest of the time was used to explain away Deidaras failed encounter as the guy insisted on a park instead of anywhere else, Kurama who decided that the unplanned orgy the guy threw his way was off the table, and Temari with one of the only successful encounters. Hinata, Konan, and Kiba were just stuck at home.

A couple more minutes passed and the group was joking and laughing with each other. Naruto looked up for only half a second and saw them.

"Guys!" Naruto whisper-yelled at the group and pointed towards the cashier. They all looked in that direction and stopped their joking in a halt.

Sasuke, Sakura, and Menma.

Sasuke was a heartbreaker for sure, but had never actually talked to any of them before. There is no doubt in Naruto's mind that he has said some mean things before though.

Sakura. Not only a heartbreaker, but a mean girl. She was one of the main reasons they were called sluts in the first place.

And Menma. Naruto, Deidara, and Kuramas older brother. He's on the football team and rarely talks to them, but likes to join in on gossip and bullying from time to time.

None of the group wanted their exsistance to be known to the trio, so they decided to sneak out the back through help of the staff. Luckily, a friend of theirs, Sai, was working today.

As they snuck out the back, Naruto hung back for a second. "Thanks Sai. You dont understand how much that needed to happen." Sai smiled.

"No probs Tiny. I would walk with you guys but I gotta wait till the person who works after me comes."

Sai kisses Naruto on the cheek. "I'll see you later."

Naruto jogs to the others who were walking off. He catches up to the two people hanging in the back, Hinata and Gaara. They both look at Naruto who just blushes a bit.

"Its not like that..." Hinata just giggles while Gaara smiles as they walk towards Konahagakure Academy.


"They were here just a second ago!" Sakura exclaimed while pouting. Sasuke just rolled his eyes and turned towards Menma.

"I told you that you coming was a bad idea." Menma growled. "Whatever duckbutt. If I'm allowing you to spend time with one of my brothers, I'm gonna make sure you dont insult them in anyway. Besides, its obvious that they dont want to talk to you, isn't it? This time it was Sasuke's turn to growl.

Sakura rolled her eyes and pushed them aside. "Down boys." She stalked towards the exit and turned back towards them. "They'll be at school won't they?" She pointed towards the outside. Both boys looked down the street to see a fairly large group a ways away.

"Corner them at school, they'll probably be too scared to run away." Both boys sighed and left the cafe, Sakura trailing behind them.


Guess who's back for a little while?


Anyways, thank 18jara for this update cuz she read me like an open book. Dude I get it I'm bad at updating 😭😭

Anyways go follow me at _queen.dri_ for art content as I try to get my WC in order for Summer!

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