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Heading to school with the group is always the highlight of the morning for Naruto. They joke, they laugh, they tease. Naruto closed his eyes and took in a long breath. If he had to choose any way to mentally prepare for the day? This would be it.

Unfortunately that didn't last too long as when he opened his eyes, Naruto & the gang were around the corner from their school.

Gaara looked over at the young blond, who was groaning in disdain. Gaara sighed as he recalls what exactly school is like for them.

Endless bullying, teasing, and harassment from people who think they are better than them because the group does things a little differently then others.  Of course, most know how to stick up for themselves.

Hinata on the other hand?

When they aren't around, she gets harassed endlessly by the boys around her. Let's just say Naruto and the gang has had to ruin a few reputations in their final year of High School.

Gaara chuckled. Naruto noticed and gave him a questioning look. "I just can't wait to leave this school." Naruto perked up at that thought and smiled.

"Same! College for us is gonna be a breeze! Did you get accepted anywhere yet Panda-kun?"

"I got accepted into the local University here in Konoha and Suna Institute of Technology. What about you Foxy?" As soon as Gaara saw Naruto's face, he already knew the answer.

"Naruto..." The boy groaned in irritation and frustration. "The simple answer is yes. But a more complex answer is that I'm waiting for a specific acceptance letter from Uzushigakure University For Fashion. I don't want to go anywhere else."

"Isn't that school really prestigious?" Kiba interjected, walking backwards.

"Yeah, but my grades are really good! I've maintained a 3.95 GPA all throughout high school, I am part of five extracurriculars, and my portfolio gets more impressive the more I work on it."

Konan turned turned towards the blonde boy. "Ok but hear me out: those five 'extracurriculars' you're talking about? That's just the club's we made official to hang out with each other on the schools time. We've...never really accomplished anything with those clubs."

Naruto thought back to their five clubs: Video Game Club, Cinema Club, Fashion Fantasy Club, Artist Alley, & Writers Center.

Video Game Club was made mostly to appease Kiba, Gaara, & Deidara. They like to play them, but are also pretty good at making them as well. That club usually consists the group playing a different video game every month then Kiba and Deidara trying to recreate it in the best way they know how.

Cinema Club was for Naruto, Kurama, Ino, & Deidara. They select a genre, then make  a mini movie for their genre. They never post the movies online so only the group has seen them. Ino and Deidara love to star in the movies, and Naruto likes to design their clothes.

Fashion Fantasy Club was, of course, made for Naruto. He loves to create clothes for the group and have them model in them. His favorite models are Gaara, Hinata, & Konan just for the sheer fact that they tend to not mind what kind of clothing Naruto would throw on them.

Artist Alley was made for the entire group. They all practice some different art forms, whether it be seriously or casually.

Writers Center was made for Ino, Konan, Kiba, & Hinata. Ino and Kiba tend to write more raunchy fan fictions but that didn't change the fact that they were all rally good writers.

"Welllll...we could do something so they could count for something." Naruto glanced at the group who were all staring at Naruto like he was crazy.

"Yeeeeaaahhh absolutely not Blondie. If your thinking of actually doing what you think you wanna do, I'm just gonna tell you right now, absolutely NOT." Konan stood still, arms crossed and glaring a bit at the blond.

"I'm not saying share our work guys. I know our one rule: everything said/shared in the group stays in the group" Naruto glanced at Konan, who looked slightly relieved, "I'm saying lets make one big thing to show just how good we are!"

"What did you have in mind?" As soon as Temari answered that question Naruto jumped towards her, stars in his eyes and all.

"A movie!! We could make a movie! And we could even submit it to a film festival or something! Its the greatest idea I've ever had in my entire life!"

"Thats the worst idea you've had in your entire life." Konan & Kurama said at the same time.


Everyone was staring at the new girl. Caramel skin, purple cornrowed locs, dark freckles on her face and wore black and purple. Usually people would assume she was a goth and just avoid her, but the confidence she exuded just had people drawn to her. That and the enormous dragon tattoo they could see rom her shoulder to her arm.

The girl walked up to a boy with long black hair at his locker. The boy turned towards her, slightly irritated and thinking she was just another fan-girl.

"May I help you?" The boy asked in a monotone voice. "Hi, I was just wondering--" the girl started to ask before the boy cut her off.

"I'm sorry I'm not looking for a relationship right now." The boy opened his locker but it was suddenly slammed shut by the girl. The boy looked towards her and glared.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" The boys spoke with so much venom anyone else would have shrunk in fear. Luckily for this girl however, she didn't back down.

"Hey asshole I wasn't done talking" The girl glared at the taller boy, almost competing with his own, "I'm not here to date your disrespectful ass. I'm just wondering if you have seen the person I'm looking for."

"Then why ask me? Surely you could've just approached anyone in this hallway." The question made the girls eyes soften a little.

"Semi-Honesty? You looked like the most least judgemental in the hall. Literally everyone but you was staring at me, probably questioning my style choice. You seemed like the most approachable."

The boy was a little shocked. When most girls approach him, its in an effort to date him. This girl? She just wanted to ask a question to what seemed like the most sane in the immediate area.

"And full-honesty?" The boy questioned.

The girl scratched the back of her neck. "I'm visiting my god-brother today and he said he takes classes here, but I don't know when the class is. Then I remembered he's technically still in high school, but I forgot which one. But I do know that apparently you...probably....the guy he flirts with during said class."

Immediately, the boy knew exactly who she was talking about and blushed a little. "You're talking about Kuru." The girl smirked. "Ooohhh nicknames? That's so cute. I can't wait to tease you both."

The boy grimaced with an even more intense blush. "You are very annoying you know that?" The girl smirked. "Oh I've been told multiple times." The girl stuck out her hand.

"I'm Raiden. Raiden Kiyosuki Uzu-Infiniti"

The boy smiled a little. "Itachi Uchiha. Nice to meet you Raiden."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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