Tall, Red, and Creepy

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Crap.I'm never going to hear the end of this and I mean it, total firm believer. I'd be lucky if Brianna even thinks about keeping me, just spending am hour without a family could set me off.I keep saying leave me alone, it's going to get better, for the most part anyway. Back to the situation I talked about before, the resolved ending was utterly frustrating.


"Jasper sooner or later your going to have to confess." I said with a mocking voice.

"Confess what? That I'm in love with you? First of all Ms. Rostan your theory is not only wrong and conceded but cocky, ignorant, and annoying on so many other levels! Did you ever consider the possibility that I hate you?" He scoffed.


"Hey! Be nice to Jasper, he's not only not in love with you but also my boyfriend! I don't appreciate you guys talking about this situation in front of me, I'd rather go suck up some random boy down the hall." Emma yelled.

"I available!" A random stranger called from down the hall behind us.

I scoffed as well as Jasper. "Pig."

Walking down the halls of Parker Mikinley High School, has it's ups and downs. Unfortunately, I live on the land of cons, and I'm no talking about the artists. No, at this school I live a life, being called everything from a whore to a prostitute. You'd think it's the same thing but these freaks at this school are the only ones that can make you think otherwise.

These people here are such dicks, but nevertheless my life wouldn't be complete without them, I like being called those names. Before you going thinking I'm crazy here me out, I can listen to anything I want, do anything I want and though people would care I wouldn't get in as much trouble for it. Besides the fact I have to take depression therapy. My friends Emma, and Jasper always take my side....well at least Emma does, she's one of the so called "whores" though she's nice and perky.

Her doubtfulness is just covered up, like Jasper's brotherly love towards me. He just acts like a jerky dickhead to blend in, pretty pathetic as a friend right? Well I don't mind if you knew the real reason behind it you'd do the exact same thing. Speaking of which, that's where this story begins, well.....mine however.

Stephanie walked downstairs on top of everything she did last month what she was doing now was completely delusional. It was March 4th, earlier that day Sam texted her about his party being held at his house, the one in the middle of the woods. Only perk about that place was the middle of the woods. Only perk about that place was the lake on the bottom of the hill. Stephanie decide to go anyway despite of the physical trouble she'd experience. Sometimes it's just not worth it, apparently that didn't sink in till later.

To : Sammy

Leaving now be there in 10-15

A few seconds later ...

From : Sammy

See you then beautiful .

Stephanie smiled at his his text message, she'd gotten the keys from Brinna's purse when they left for anther party. She asked their neighbor Megan to watch her little brother , Storm.

"Where ya headed Steph?" Megan's southern accent was rather thick than someone who came to Jackson a month ago. Stephanie once over at Megan giving her a soft small smile. Megan was confused by her look it was small frown followed by a smile. She soon ran to the bus stop and got on, seeing a few of her friends from school, Jasper, Emma, and Casse. They all turned to her with disapproved faces, Jasper shook his head, "Well if it isn't the white slut herself." Emma elbowed Jasper near his groin, Casse snickered at Jasper's 4 year old cry. Emma covered for Jasper's insult "Sorry for that, he's just not feeling well." Stephanie nodded slightly and commented, "I know, hope he feels well" Lame, but it could prevent something else from happening.

A few minutes later her bus stop came, a few man were there, on glared at her. His dark brown eyes remained in her head as she walked down the street. She heard a car engine and turned facing a red head, pale, well dressed man.

"Hey gorgeous."

Stephanie looked at the mysterious man. "That all you got?" The man chuckled, "i guess not, your a pretty dainty girl to be Sam's daughter." He winked.

"Daughter? I'm his girlfriend." She stood up and her hair behind her ear. The man laughed as he parked the car and got out, he stood in front of her and smirked.

Stephanie etched back, getting closer and closer he grabbed her arm, her breath hitched. She took a deep breath and tried moving his arm, but it wouldn't budge. His grip only tighten as the smirk on his face grew wider, "Let go of me please." Stephanie pleaded. He only gripped tighter and moved closer eyeing her small lips. "I'm gonna kiss you, not word to Sam." She took a deep breath again stay perfectly still. He grazed his lips on hers and kissed her full on the lips, harshly. A few second later Stephanie felt someone grabbing her other arm, by the touch she knew it was Sam.

"Sam I-I can explain. He-"

"Shut up and get in the car." Sam's words and eyes were cold a little harsh than she expected. He eyed the other guy like he was his enemy of something, maybe they knew each other?

"I like this one Sam, not all have to be yours. Save the sexy ones for me at least." The strange man winked at me and smiled at Sam. "Fetish for the young ones I see. I'm guessing your little run in with Scott didn't mean much for this turn of events. Looks like I have to ake a phone call." He took out his gold phone, Sam stepped for word.

"You wouldn't dare." It almost sound like a growl.

"Oh? Tell me Alsanie, do you remember what happened to Maggie or Priscela or even Marium?

Stephanie noticed his emphasis on Marium had been his ex or Friend?

"Shut up Jake." Sam muttered under his breath, his grip on Stephanie tighten even more, he pulled her towards as the car, Jake's laugh grew louder like some kind of freak show. She looked back at him, '' See you lath Steph." Jake got in the car and turned left right into an alley. Strange.

Sm threw her in the car and got in himself, she flinched as his hand went up to shift. She thought it was best not to say anything until he was calm. It was quiet on the ride to his house, it didn't look like he'd change his mood anytime soon.

"Sammy? Are- are you okay ?"

No answer.

"i'm really sorry."

Why won't he forgive me? I'm a teenage girl for Christ sake, I didn't mean it, that kiss didn't mean anything. I mean, Sam and I love each other , well I love him and that's what counts right?

Sam sped up the car, he was going fast enough to crash into the concrete walls.Who the hell was Jake anyway, and why did he kiss me?What did he mean by all of that, too many questions, I have a feeling I'm not getting answer anytime soon.Sam pulled up at a parking lot and got out the car, naturally I followed.He stopped to face me. I thought he would say something but I guess not.Instead a a few minutes later he turned back around and kissed me, almost like that other guy, but strangely better.He held to my waist and picked up my right thigh, rubbing it while kissing me urgently.

The kiss broke in a matter of seconds, we were breathing rapidly.His head tilted perfectly with mine, I kind of got kinky and kissed him again. His response was weird , he pushed me back and started walking again.


"The world is wide the time goes by the tour is over we'd survived, I couldn't wait till I got home to pass the time in my room alone." ~ Blink 182 /Adam's Song/

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