Going Up In Flames

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"Well, Danny. You know I was kidding? I didn't actually mean for you to suggest or take that offer." I blushed slightly, as he neared me. "Watch what you say Stephanie." He smirked and reached for my hand, I shivered the moment he brushed over it, I also knew I was blushing because my cheeks felt steamy. Everything felt weird, and more open. You sound like your Juliet. Danny frowned.

"Whats with the long face dear?" I glared at him. I'm not your girlfriend, why do you keep insisting such a....such a monstrosity! He stepped back and held his hands up midwaist, he of course backed into the closet door. "If you didn't want to be my girlfriend you could have just said so-" I cut him off with a rumbling yell, "I've said I hate you for the last week and a half Steds!" His slick humor countered my arguement....fairly.

"You never said you didn't want to be a girlfriend though." He shrugged. Somehow, though he was right I wanted to rip the right side of his head off where the his humor part of the brain was. He was definitely more love sick then I anticipated, nevertheless I did promise him a good time and I intend to keep it true to word. No matter how I'm going to regret not giving an annoying piece of crap, he didnt know it at the time but the most annoying thing about it was that I cared enough to swindle this guy out of a good time.

"You know Danny I have been awfully mean to you, but I intend for us to have the greatest time in the history of /Greatest Times/." I put on an imaginary smirk and sulked downstairs dragging my huge pajama pants with me, I was frustrated out of my mind. How do you swindle someone when you have a shitty plan and no back up? Am I even using this word right? My thoughts were of course interupted when I heard a creaking down the hallway, it was Storm.

"Steph, could I have some wa-wa-water?" He rubbed his eyes and yawned, that gave me a wonderful idea. I gave him a sippycup and carried him to my room, Danny chuckled and licked his lips. "Your smart Steph, no wonder why guys line up at the door for you." He pressed his palm on the wall while I layed Storm on my bed, he curled up and pulled the blanket over him. "Don't tell me Stephanie Rostan's coming down with waterworks." He laughed.

I punched his chest, which made him flinch a little. I never expected him to be so sly yet wippy at the same time, when you know the perks of having a friend like Danny- wait a minute.

"It's okay to cry Stephanie, no ones going to tell." He scratched the back of his neck, this must've been awkward for him. "I'm not crying, just like your not staying here." I pushed him back and he frowned, "Aww Steph, I'm only here to help, you act like you've go something to hide. Your not Spiderman, or Superman, or a Shield agent." First of all Superman is not in the same verse as the other two, so what the hell? And second, most importantly I have nothing to hide from this son of a bitch.

"Babe stop thinking, your making my brain heart!" He covered his hair, and shut his eyes. "Oh, stop exaggerating Steds-" The door flew open. Dammit. It was Jackie, she looked at me angrily, "Stephanie it is past midnight! You and Storm should be asleep!" Storm yawned and sat up in the bed, she took him and cradled him. "Go to sleep." Jackie began to gently shake to make Storm fall asleep.

I turned off the light and saw Danny climbing back into the window, I tilted my head and giggled. "Where did you come from?" He smiled, "I heard her coming up the stairs earlier so I just jumped out the window." Now I'm the one that's curious. "Are you sure your not Spiderman? Or Edward Cullen?" Danny covered his face, I'm assuming laughing as well as I am. "Oh man." He plopped down on my bed, and I joined him.

"You're your own riot." He smiled wildly, a chester cat type smile. "Aww, how sweet." I answered sarcastically and folded my arms, he turned toward me like we were having pillow talk. "Why are you always mean to people?" I didn't understand the question, so I faced him resting my head on my hand as well as the pillow.

"Don't give me that look, you know what I'm talking about. What's your deal with you always treating people like their worthless, because I hope you know it hurts people." His eyes were turning a dark brown that seemed so familiar, but I didn't need therapy seesion with this guy on my anger problems, no now not ever. "So, your mostly mean to everyone you see and your the one to talk about others." I countered as his eyebrows curved inward.

"I'm just returning the favor." He sat back up and turned his body towards me again, his back was arched but his head stood tall on his shoulders. "What do you mean returning the favor? Your saying I started this mess?" I asked intimidatingly meeting his eyes as well. "I'm saying you knew what you were doing when you started this mess, I seem to remember a young boy. Age twelve in his backyard a girl standing over a fence yelling how sick he made her and how much of a dork he was. That girl was you Stephanie." He paused for what seemed to be the longest seconds of mine and Emma's life merged together. I waited anxiously for a word from him, but he managed to sigh and get up walking towards the window.

"Wait, Danny come on!" I argued trying to block him from my window, he just picked me up and put me aside. "Goodnight Stephanie." He said as he jumped from the window, landing perfectly on the ground, serious was this guy some spy? I watched as he walked down the street, I too sighed in frustration at his refusal of my opinion, Dammit Danny.

It was morning. Blank statement, because I was pissed at what went down last night, and the absolute worst part was Danny and I had two classes together. Not to mention the Drama Club I got Danny to do when we did that crappy baby project, I doubt he'd come though. Emma's supposed to pick me up today, strange feeling that like yesterday, today was goning to turn out like crap.

- - - - - - -

Needless to say everything about the disaster with Danny was not entirely true, I didn't expect for Jasper to return in the way he did. I certainly didn't expect the wonderful news about Mr. Olsen and Emma, but what I did expect was for all of us to have detention. That same day. Together. Even with Mr. Oslen.

"Jasper what are you talking about? It was your fault you did this and now I'm the main attraction, this isn't fair at all!" Emma yelled while following Jasper as they argued down the hall. I turned the corner and saw Danny and Mr. Olsen having at it, they were fully into whatever conversation they were talking about. So, I turned back and bumped into a tall curly haired guy. "Sorry." I said rushing past him.

I could hear a faint, "I'm sorry too." But I ignored it and payed attention to where I was going, straight home hopefully not seeing Brinna or Jackie there. I heard footsteps behind me thinking it was Danny or Jasper I started running, I spirinted through the cafeteria bumping into to everyone that was in my path of destruction.

The prinicipal crashed into to me, "What are you running from Miss Rostan?" I shrugged "Nothing happened." He rolled his eyes and walked out the cafeteria. A few minutes later I heard the door spring open and him staring at me through my head. I walked back and saw Danny with a bloody face and Jasper with a harsh black eye. Both the blood and black eyes were fresh I believed.



"So, guys! Look who all survived today!" I tried brightening the mood, Emma smiled nervously and chimmed in looking over at Jasper. "Yeah, I mean it could've gone a alot worse right?" This was pointless, Emma and Jasper were enemies, Jasper and Danny were enemies and I had nothing to do with the background of the situation.

Mr. Olsen gesgured me to come over, I followed as we were at the far orner of the room away from everyone. "What do you want?" I whispered in a yelling tone. "Look Stephanie it is in your best interest to listen becasue in about five minutes this school will be in ash." I was confused. "What the hell?!" I yelled, everyones heads snapped up at us but I lowered my voice again. "The hell are you talking about?" I asked again this time in a louder voice.

"Look, a guy named Brian is comign for you alright, and your friend Jasper has not played his part in that role. He says things about you saying how he won't give up his friendship even if it meant a couple of guys shooting him afterwards." He looked down, and then past me. He grabbed my hand along with Emma's and we all run out the emergency exit. "Danny should explain everything to you later!" He yelled while running, we ran out to the curb and I turned towards all of them.

"Guys what the hell is going on?!" I couldn't take it anymore the suspense of life or death coursed through my vains, Jesus one moment your getting revenge next moment Karma's coming after you like a puppy dog. "Tell me!" I screamed louder until I heard a gun shot followed by a:


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2014 ⏰

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