Midnight Friend

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"I'm sorry I just can't believe...Yoshi? The character from Mario and Luigi  games, the green dinosaur who is best friends with the fucking Mushroom King." Jasper said as we all walked to our next class, Mr. Rodriguez.

"Did you guys do Rodriguez homework? I know I'm falling behind and I don't think I'll get into Columbia without sufficient grades." Now I needed to get into Columbia, they never knew that wanted to be a pychologist and I intended to keep it that way.

"I was kind of busy with Chester McCain, but I did finish the science homework for next class." Emma smiled and skipped as Jasper let go of her hand, "Chester?" Jasper said confused. "You've already did the new kid, from Florida?" She stopped, and shrugged. "You wouldn't care so, yes he just transferred here last week, I figured I'd  give him a tour of the city."

"Yeah, right after you gave him a tour of you pants." Jasper muttered, which was heard by Emma and myself included. "Hey Jassy, if your that jealous I can blow off tonight with Thomas and we can go do something." It's weird seeing Jasper smile at Emma and her concern. "Sure, if you really mean it I guess we can go to my house and watch a couple of bad movies."

I looked at my phone, this was really awkward.

"Sounds great." Emma kissed Jasper, it was just weird. At this moment I just wanted to bust them for PDA. I cleared my throat, Jasper snapped his head towards me and Emma frowned. "We've got class remember?" Jasper rolled his eyes and started walking.

"Hey guys why hasn't the bell rung yet?" Emma asked looking at her watch and then around the hallway to find a clock. "Your watch Em." I said while getting a few things from my locker. "What about it? It's Gucci." She examined it as I saw Jasper avert from our route.

"Your watch is set on the wrong time- Hey Jasper! Jasper where you going, we got class in 2 minutes." I ran a caught up with him, he was already at the school's entrance. "I have to go somewhere. My mom texted me during lunch, she's says it's important." He hurried out the door.

Really Jasper?

I went back to where Emma was, she was busy checking here watch trying to fix it until she looked up. "So, did you see about Jasper?" She asked, putting the watch back on. "Yes, I did. He went to go see his mom, says it's urgent." I started to walk. "I thought she was at work?" Emma asked sounding very infant like.

I shrugged and walked into Mr. Rodriguez ' class. The bell rang shortly after and we took our seats, he usually started class on time but today felt different. Another man walked in the class room, I couldn't identify his face or voice. "Goodmorning class, your teacher is out sick so I will be filling in." He took our some chalk and wrote his name on the board. " Mr. Olsen.


"So a night with bad movies, at Jassy's house? Your finally going to turn him into real man huh?" I mocked while Emma and I were finishing up some classwork. "That's the plan." She smiled. "You know it's not going to be as good as with others. You've been with let's see, seven different guys in the past year and a half." I focused on the project but at the same time looked at her through the corner of my eye.

She stopped for a few seconds then started back up again. "Well, you know Jasper will be more special than the others. After all he is my boyfriend and I love for that, more than you loved Sam." Emma smirked, I put the last of some denture acid in a cup and watched as the cup turn light blue. "I guess your right Emma."

"Aha!" I snapped my head in her direction and watched as she point a finger in my face. Everyone in the classroom turned toward us, "Nothing to see here people." I clarified and dragged her of the room. "What was that stunt you pulled Miss I-Make-Scenes-For-Fun." I asked with my eyes practically bulging.

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