Chapter Two | Ignoring

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Fyi Georgenotfound and Dream will be dating for a few chapters. For more drama >:)

Hey, what's up?
Read by Dream

Keeping me on read, harsh dude ;-;
Read by Dream

You alright..?
Read by Dream

Yeah, sorry I'm a little busy but I'm doing awesome! :)
Read by A6d

Okay, talk to me if you need me.
Read by Dream

He's acting off, should I talk to Darryl about it..?

No, this isn't my business. Clay's alright.

But.. I'm so concerned.

No, shut up, Vincent! He's fine.

Clay's ignoring me and Zak. I'm worried about him.
Read by A6d

He's keeping me on read. I think he's just busy, it's none of our business anyways..
Read by Badboyhalo

Yeah, you're right. I'm sure he's fine! ^^
Read by A6d

So he's ignoring Darryl and Zak too, that's good.

Wait, no! That's bad, idiot!

Ian hopped onto Vincent's lap, purring and rubbing his face against his chest. Vincent smiled, petting the cute kitty.

"I bet being a cat is nice, you don't have to worry about this stuff." Vincent sighed.

~Meanwhile with Clay~

Hey, wanna do a video? 💚
Read by Dream

Why aren't you answering anyone?
Read by Dream

Keeping me on read, harsh dude ;-;
Read by Dream

"I hate this, I don't wanna talk to them!" Clay sighed, logging onto Minecraft. "I'll just go play Hypixel."

Clay saw Zak and Darryl in the lobby, doing an intro for a bedwars video. "Shit!" Clay yelled, logging off quickly.

Wanna do a video with me, Zak and Darryl?
Read by Dream

Read by Dream

That would be nice but, no thanks.
Read by A6d

What's gotten into you? There's something you aren't telling us.
Read by Dream

Mind your own damn business, Vincent.
Read by A6d

You can talk to me!
Read by Dream

Shut up! I'm fine, asshole!
Read by A6d

When Zak and Darryl are done their video, I'm sending them over to your place.
Read by Dream

And they have a spare key!
Read by Dream

No. I don't want to see anyone right now, leave me alone!

I just want to be alone.

Tears came running down Clay's face as he flopped onto his bed.

He got on his phone, check some tweets, perhaps.

3 missed calls from Georgenotfound

Clay sighed and turned off his phone. Maybe not.

~1 hour later~

Clay heard his door unlock, they were here.

"Clay? Are you in your room?" Darryl shouted, taking off his shoes. Zak did the same, walking into the bedroom.

"Clay, what's going on? You're refusing to speak to us!" Zak asked. "I'm fine, guys! Don't worry, I.."

"You were crying earlier, I can tell. Please, just talk to us! You don't understand how worried all your friends are!" Darryl said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Clay rolled over, so he wouldn't have to make eye contact with the two. "Leave me alone, I just wanna be by myself!" Clay said.

"Tell us why, then." Zak said. Clay shook is head. "Please." Darryl begged. Clay shook his head. Zak leaned against the wall in front of the bedroom door.

Clay moved, so he could see Darryl and Zak. His sleeve moved, Darryl seeing a flash of blood. His eyes widen, quickly standing up and rolling up Clay's sleeves seeing scars, a few from recently.

"Fuck off!" Clay yelled, covering his arms. Darryl took a step back. "Clay.. I-I.." He stuttered, shaking.

"Stop it, Darryl. It's not our business. Clay's going through a tough time probably. Let's get going." Zak sighed, exiting the bedroom.

Darryl walked towards the door, stopping and looking back at Clay. "Please, just talk to us if you really need to." He frowned, leaving. "Bye, Clay. I hope you feel happier soon." Zak told him, slipping on his shoes and opening the front door.

"I won't." Clay mumbled.

Read by Dream

Did I do something..? I'm sorry! 💚
Read by Dream

Hey, sorry. I just need some alone time. 💚
Read by Georgenotfound

Sometimes I forget I'm dating him, it's.. I'm not used to it!

Is that a bad thing?

I really should talk to Vincent about this.

He always understands.

I miss talking to him already, jeez.

I'm so obsessed with some french guy that I've never met in real life.

I bet he thinks I'm annoying, too.

How would you feel if I came to America?
Read by Dream

Darryl and Zak told me everything. Please talk to me!
Read by Dream

The trip's too expensive, and what do you mean Darryl and Zak told you? They never ended up coming!
Read by A6d

Stop lying. Please talk to me when you need to.
Read by Dream

Guess what? I'm taking a trip to America to visit you! I missed you so much. 💚
Read by Dream

That's great!!!!!!!!
Read by Georgenotfound

Not great.

I guess I sort of wanna see George.

Clay sighed, getting up from his bed, craving popcorn.

Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, that's the noise popcorn makes when it's being made. That's also what I want right now. To be continued.

Word count: 879

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