Chapter Five | Missing

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Idea from @SenpaiHatz also depreprepression warning

TapL and Spifey have moved out

Sorry this came out later

It's a short chapter but I prOMISE the next one will be out soon!! I just wanna hit eight chaptersssss

Two days later with Clay

He's still ignoring me.

I'm going to the police.

So he did, and the police were doing whatever they could, but he was definitely 'missing'.

~With Vincent~

"Hey, Vincent, me and Darryl are going to the movie theatre, you wanna come?"

"Nah. My english sucks, I probably wouldn't understand it." Vincent said, fighting someone in a game of woolwars on his laptop.

"Okay, we'll be back in like two hours." Zak said, leaving the spare bedroom.

Vincent unfortunately lost the battle, and got a notification from Twitter.

Can I come over?
Read by A6d

Read by Dream

So about five minutes later, Clay was at the door, and Vincent greeted him, before noticing Clay's tears.

Clay immediately hugged Vincent. "Okay, um, let's go inside."

The two sat at the couch.

"Vincent, I don't understand. Is he dead? I miss George so much." Clay cries. Vincent put his hand on Clay's shoulder, not sure how to respond. "I don't actually have security cameras outside my house, I just ignored you guys. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. You shouldn't feel sorry. It'll be okay." Vincent wiped Clay's tears.

"I hope you're right. I really hope it's gonna be okay." Clay sighed.

"Now, the main problem. Why are you ignoring us?" Vincent asked him.

"I think I might have depression. One of my friends died recently, and I really miss him, I just feel so sad without him." He responded.

Clay sniffled. Vincent hugged him, making Clay calm down a little. He forgets all about George.

Clay started grabbing on to Vincent's white t-shirt, not noticing. Vincent noticed, but didn't really wanna say anything.

Clay eventually noticed, though. He let go, still hugging Vincent. They eventually had to stop, because it was getting awkward.

"So what do you wanna do?" Vincent asked. "I wanna keep hugging you.." Clay mumbled, nervously

(I'm dying of gayness rn-)

"Oh, uh, s-sure." Vincent stuttered.

Two hours later

They were having a conversation when Darryl and Zak came back.

"Shut up, asshole!" Darryl yelled, not noticing Clay and Vincent.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" Zak smiled, taking a sip of Pepsi.

"Oh hey, guys!" Clay greeted. Zak immediately spit out his Pepsi on Darryl, shocked hearing Clay's voice.

Vincent tried to hold in his laugh, seeing the anger in Darryl's face.



"Why the hell.."

"..DID YOU SPIT PEPSI ON MY FACE?" Darryl yelled. Vincent couldn't hold in it anymore, and started laughing. Of course, Zak and Clay started laughing too.

Darryl groaned, rushing to the washroom to wash off his face.

"So how was the movie?" Vincent asked as Zak sat on the couch next to Clay.

"Sort of like the others but more childish, the plot was still sort of the same." (Do you guys know what movie it is?)

"What movie did you and Darryl see?" Clay asked.

"Scoob." Zak replied. (If you guessed right good job.)

"Oh, I heard that one was bad. Did you guys like it?" Vincent asked him.

Darryl came back and sat next to Zak. "I loved it! It was so good!" Darryl answered.

"Eh, it was alright." Zak said.

"Wanna go to McDonalds?" Vincent proposed.

They agreed to go, and basically forgot about how Clay kept ignoring them. It was just a normal day. Well, not normal because for once, Vincent was with them. Not through a screen, or a call.

Meanwhile, the police had been searching for George.
(Gonna use some basic names for the two police officers.)

"You find 'em yet, Jason?" A bald, tall and skinny police officer with a brown moustache asked.

"No, not yet, Alex." Replied a short and chubby officer with a blonde beard and hair.

Alex opened the dumpster that revealed George's body. "Jason, give me that picture of the guy we're lookin' for!" He demanded.

Jason gave him the paper, peaking into the dumpster. "That's him alright. Someone murdered him, but there's no evidence!"

Alex pulled the walkie-talkie out of his pocket and leaned toward it. "This is officer Alex, we found the body."


"No. He was clearly stabbed, but there's no evidence on who did it."


"It's at the dumpster in the alley next to insert Clay's address."

"Copy that. We'll be there."

"Poor guy." The shorter officer frowned. "Shut up, Jason." The taller one said, "We've done this millions of times. Why is he different?"

"I'm talking about the man who reported his disappearance. He seemed really upset. I know this is weird, but perhaps they were dating." Jason predicted.

"But it's a man."


"They're both guys."


"They don't look very gay."

"Not every gay guy looks like James Charles."

They decided to end their little argument and picked up the body.


I promise the next chapter will be out soon!

Word count: 844

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