Chapter Ten | The Truth

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I was at my grandma's house and she doesn't have wifi so I finished two parts in the span of 5 seconds for you guys

"A body has been discovered!" The voice on the radio said. Zak switched the channel.

"Yeah you got that yu-"

"Picture my booty up in 3d, I'll shake my boot-"

"Sweet home a-"

A bunch of songs Zak didn't like. "If you don't like the songs just go on Spotify or iTunes or whatever you use." Darryl said.

"Wait, wait, I like this song." Zak said, turning up the volume to the maximum.

Suddenly Zak and Darryl found themselves jamming out to 'It's been so long'. Despite Darryl being the most mature, he could never resist a Five Nights at Freddy's song.

"IF YOU TWO DON'T SHUT UP I WILL JUMP OUT OF THIS CAR." Vincent yelled, trying to be louder than the music.

"GO AHEAD!" Zak yelled, going back to singing right after. "Wait don't actually." He turned down the volume, noticing Vincent had unlocked the back seat door.

"IT'S BEEN SO LONGGG SINCE THE LAst.." Darryl stopped singing.

"We're here anyways." Zak parked the car in the driveway of a mansion. A tall man with dark hair, wearing a Minecraft shirt with blue jeans was waiting outside the door. His gucci shoes shining in the light. Lmao please don't ask- I feel like he's a millionaire irl

Technoblade = Dave

The trio stepped out of Zak's car.

"Good morning, wimps!" The deep voice greeted as the trio walked towards him.

"Yo Techno. "Hi Dave!" "Whaddup!" The three boys greeted, shaking his hand.

"Alright, come inside!"

Awaiting them was a long hall, a kitchen to the left and a living room to the right. In front of the four there were two sets of stairs, one going up and one going down, a carpet decorating the steps.

Vincent's jaw dropped. He had never been to such a big house. This was only the hallway, too!

Zak gave him a quick glare and let out a quiet laugh. Vincent closed his mouth, hoping Zak was the only one that noticed.

"No way, shut up!" A voice came from the living room

"Is that Zelk?" Darryl asked.

Zelkam = Zelk

Spifey = George (Nobody's going to mention Georgenotfound anymore if that makes it less confusing)

"Yep! Then he-"

George's voice was cut off by the screech of the one and only, Zak.

"SPIFEY! ZELK!" Zak hugged George, remembering how tall he was.

"Oh hey! We were wondering when you were getting here." George greeted, messing up Zak's already messy hair.

"Wow that was gay." Zelk joked as Vincent and Darryl walked in.

"Yo Darryl, Vincent!" George sat back down on the white couch.

~5 boring and long minutes of greeting and sitting on a very comfortable couch later~

"So why are we all here?" Vincent asked Dave.

"Oh just to y'know, hang out and stuff. I was thinking we'd watch game of thrones? If you guys haven't seen it, that is."

Everyone agreed on that. "Also, Harvey (TapL) and Clay are coming too so if anyone knocks on the door, it's them."

~another 5 boring and long minutes of greeting and sitting on a very comfortable couch later~













P- you get it.

"Woah, fresh popcorn machine popcorn is waaaaayyy better than fresh microwaved popcorn." Zak mumbled, stuffing his face with popcorn

"Dude calm down, the TV isn't even on." Clay laughed.

"'Ight get comfy, guys." Dave said, leaning back as the show played.

Zak was laying on Darryl's chest, his legs dangling off the couch. Darryl's head leaned on Dave's shoulder, reaching for popcorn in Dave's lap every few minutes (and whenever Zak demanded for Darryl to feed him).

On the second couch, George was basically squished by Harvey, who's entire body was leaning on his. Vincent, Zelk and Clay were sitting normally next to each other with another bowl of popcorn in Zelk's lap.

After a few hours, Dave made burgers for lunch and they went back to watching game of thrones.

Then they ordered pizza for dinner.

And Dairy Queen for desert.

It became so late that nobody wanted to drive home. "I have three guest rooms with two beds in each if you guys all wanna crash here." Dave suggested.

"Wait but there's seven of us staying here and six beds."

"Aren't you dating Zak? You guys wouldn't mind sleeping with each other."


"I'm just joking with you, nerd. We're going to vote on who will be the unlucky two that have to sleep with each other." Dave put his hands on his hips, acting like he was the smartest person to exist.

There were three votes for Clay and Vincent, two votes for Darryl and Zak, one vote for Zak and Vincent and one vote for Harvey and George.

I love Democracy

"Alrighty then, lots of Dream6d fans here eh? Now follow me, I'll show you where your rooms are." Dave stood up and walked upstairs.


"Oh, Vincent before you head to bed can we talk for a minute?" Darryl asked. Vincent nodded.

"So about Nick.."

"Do we have to talk about this?"

"Well I want to."

Vincent sighed. "Alright what about him?"

"Why would you kill him?"



"I... can't tell you."


"Fine. But you promise not to tell anyone?"


"Okay. So when we were at Wendy's and I went for a smoke I was actually spying on Nick and I found out he had a crush on Clay. And.... I.. I like Clay so I killed him."

"That's- well- I- that's a lot to process." Darryl stuttered. Vincent nodded and turned around.

"Wait." Darryl grabbed Vincent's shoulder, Vincent letting out a curious hum.

"Did you also kill-" "Darryl if that's all you're going to ask about then let me sleep."

Darryl let out a mumbled sorry, going to his room, Vincent doing the same.

Zelk, who was in the bed next to Clay and Vincent's let out a chuckle, taking a picture of the two.

"Zelk I swear to god if you post that-" Suddenly him and Vincent got a notification from Twitter.

Zelkam mentioned you in a post!

"ZELK DELETE THAT!" Vincent yelled.

I tried

Word count: 1017

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