Halloween Special | Haunted Patches

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Happy Halloweenie

"VINCENT YA DINGUS, GET UP! IT'S HALLOWEEN DAY!" Darryl wacked Vincent in the face with his plastic orange pumpkin bucket. He was dressed in a cosplay of.. himself? Yes, he was dressed as his minecraft skin.

"Come on, come on wake up! You gotta try on this costume I made for you!"

Suddenly Vincent found himself wearing a black and white bandana around his four head, a grey sweater with a white stripe and black leggings.

"And here's your weapon!" Darryl handed him a plastic netherite sword. Vincent picked up his phone from the dresser next to his bed and opened the camera app.

"Oh cool, I'm A6d." He said, emotionless.

"I thought you would be more excited." Darryl frowned.

Zak walked in stabbed Vincent with his netherite sword. It didn't hurt, but it made Vincent jump a bit.

"Hah, did I scare you? Wimp!" Zak teased him. He was wearing a cyan onesie with a strange face on the top, his long, fluffy black hair covering most of it.

"So we're all our minecraft skins?" Vincent asked. "Yep! Wait until you see Clay's, I worked extra hard on his!" Darryl looked as if he was about to explode from all the happiness inside of him.

"Speaking of Clay, when are we going to his place?" Zak asked, repeatedly poking Rat with his sword. Darryl, who was holding Rat, tried keeping Rat from biting Zak.

"I think- Rat! Leave Zak alone! Bad Rat!" Darryl lightly pat the dog on her head and put her down. Rat scurried away into the living room.

"ANYWAYS. About ten minutes." Darryl said.


"Oh Dreeeeeaaaaaaam~!" Darryl kicked the door open, not expecting it to be unlocked.

"Oh hey guys! Happy Halloween!" Clay was in the living room petting his cat, who was wearing a headband with a black bear and a white bear.

Clay was wearing a pastel green hoodie, blue jeans and a mask was covering 50% of his face. Next to him was a shield, a bow, two arrows and a diamond sword.

Darryl sat right up beside Clay, forgetting about personal space and petted his cat, Patches. Of course, Darryl smelled like a dog so Patches wasn't very happy.

Vincent sat on the other side of Clay and scratched Patches's cheek. Zak was struggling to untie and take off his shoes.

"Oh damn you looking sexy as hell, Vincent." Clay flirted. Vincent and Clay had both come out to Zak and Darryl and told them about their relationship after about 3 months of dating. Zak and Darryl were both very accepting about their sexualities and relationships, luckily.

"Get a room!" Zak said, sarcastically as he sat next to Darryl.

"I mean, if you want us to get a room, I wouldn't mi-" "Clay we're not doing that, it's a S I N." Vincent lightly slapped Clay.

"Uh.. ANYWAYS! Are we handing out candy or going trick or treating?" Darryl asked.

"I say we hand out candy. Only kids go trick or treating, they're sure to recognize us." Vincent said.

Darryl smiled. He did love children, and the thought of them being fans of him made him joyful.

"Good point, plus I hate walking." Zak agreed.

"Didn't you walk a mile or something for a video? Or is that a different Skeppy?" Darryl pointed out.

"Bruh shut up!" Zak denied the truth and crossed his arms.

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