•☆ From The Readers ☆•

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This corner features what readers have to say about the books written by me.


I recently read "The willing wife" by A beautiful tale of how loved teaches you to never give up on someone you love, instead try to be with him and help him share his feelings with you to find a solution to the problem.

Other fave of mine is "Still Mine" Loved the theme of the story where a girl teaches her partner the importance of self respect, how pinky supported Annika to leave the house, to get her self respect and not to be taken for granted or to comprise with yourself on being insulted by other partner. The importance of girl working independently is what got to know much more.

I loved "Date Me" also, a dreamy kinda short and cute story about how two strangers eventually fall for each other, how they learn to trust the other. Thanks for such fab books 💕


Hey Anamika First of all I would like to tell you that you are one of the best writers I know so far on wattpad. Nothing compares to the level of your work has been discovered by me yet if I talk about specifically content.

Also, you are my inspiration! The way you write always motivates me to write in such a touching, soothing yet impactful way for my readers here.

To mention your books that I love the most ( not forgetting that almost all the books you have written have set a different bar of perfection) I love ❤️ I m totally in lovw with this one. The other is my recently read , My Wilful Wife and the last one is Still mine.

Kissing insecurities away was magicallll!! I can read it a million times. Love the way you have portrayed the beautiful bondWilful wife is like so close to my heart. Such a roller coaster of emotions. I m literally smitten by the whole journey of shivika and the beauty of it❤️

Again Still mine is something I have never read before. It is one of your best works and I know most of your readers must have told you that.

To end it here, I would just say that your books have something in them which makes us attarct to them. The most important thing is that the love, smoothness and the conviction with which you write them reflects through them, so much so that these books become a part of your life and you know, once you have read them, you can never forget about them. Please never stop writing because you are the best writers here. We need you here for our inspiration and for the beautiful content that your deliver.

 Much love,

Always a big fan!



1. Kissing away insecurities.This book has all heart. It has taught to be patient with our loved ones and be persistent no matter what!

2. Hitched - This one has taught to be tolerant to people and to embrace and love them as they are.

3. Willful Wife - Willpower, tolerance, unconditional love, patience, trust.. I can go on and on!

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If you would like your review to be posted here. Send it to me via a direct message(pm). Kindly make your message non generic. Preferably mention the name of the book and what you like about it, what message it left you with and so on.

-Anami! ♡

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