For A Graceful Flow

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Do you know that transcendental feeling
when you are out of control?
I don't mean when you let fears entirely devour you -
but when you allow yourself to flow.
You do know that state of being
when nothingness becomes your everything -
when you let go of
that you've been smuggling out for too long.
And there you are surrendering in stillness
into the stillness of dynamic now -
that oscillates and cycles in perpetual motion.
It does not rush, bypass, deceive or overpromise.
It knows no fear, no failure, no abortion -
it's synchronicity and serendipity within itself.
You do know that state of being timeless,
when lining up no longer serves you well.
Time freezes, and then eventually it seizes
supporting this entire hologram.
And there you are - stark naked and unknown,
surrendering in readiness to flow.
And you forgive yourself for not forgiving
your own self for being someone else.
And you receive yourself as you're receiving
the gift of life with ease and most amazing grace.

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