For Finding Heart

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In the silence -
in the vacuum devoid of illusions and dreams
I found my heart.
It was dancing to its own beat -
like a shaman swirling around the sacred fire
to Pacha Mama's chant.
I heard it beyond noisy silence,
beyond stillness of mind,
beyond my most timid desire,
and the most thunderous pursuit.
In the chaos -
in the havoc made of judgments and reproof -
I found my heart.
It was whispering into my Soul -
seeding stars in the shadowed corners
in the language of light.
I heard it beyond the tethered mounts,
beyond the rabbit hole,
beyond bedlam and cosmic orders,
and divinely orchestrated fate.
As I pause -
I hear its voice.
In the silence, it sings:
"Love is all that is!"
So let it be so,
and so it is.

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