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Serenity POV

                       CRASH!!!! " WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU ARRANGED HER MARRIAGE" I was awaken by someone yelling. I think its my mother and my father arguing about someone.

                  "I arranged her marriage because i dont want my babygirl to be alone forever Christina dont you understand that!!" my father yelled back. I got out of my bed and walked into their room. They both looked at me two different ways. My mother looked at me with such sorrow but my father looked at me with such anger.

"Go back to bed serenity!"

"No! Why are you yelling at mom!" My father looked at me like I lost my damn mind. I looked at my mom like what's going on and she told me.

"Your father arranged for you to be married to a young man."Now I am looking at him like he done lost his damn mind. Instead of listening to what he had to say I ran to my room and closed the door. 20 mins later my dad walked in my room telling me that he did it so that I wouldn't be alone in the world. He also said that I wouldn't have to meet him until my 18th birthday in August. I looked at him like that's too soon it's in like 2 weeks. The only thing that I wanted to ask him right now was very simple and I did not want to talk to him after this question.

"Dad what is his name?"

"Jordan..... Jordan Baker"

2 1/2 weeks later

Today is the day that I have to meet Jordan Baker and his family. So instead of me having an 18th birthday party I am having a birthday party with the people that I actually hate right now. They should be here in like 30 mins and I feel like I just wanna cry my eyes out right now.

Ding- Dong

Omg! I didn't expect them to be here to early. Now I am really gonna cry my eyes out.

"Serenity! Come down out guests are here sweetie!" Here goes nothing.

Third person POV

Serenity walked down the stairs with her head down while fiddling with her fingers. All kinds of emotions was running through her head as she was walking. She looked up and saw the Bakers, including Jordan and she was thinking that he was a very handsome guy.  That's when she started to get scared and was thinking the worst because to her he could get any girl he wanted. When she wasn't paying attention she missed a step and started to fall, but before she hit the floor strong arms caught her.

"Are you okay?" Serenity looked up to see who caught her and it was Jordan Baker. Instead of speaking she just stood up and nodded her head walking over by her parents and just stood there.

"Serenity, this is Mr. and Mrs. Baker, their daughter Olivia, and their son Jordan" her father said pointing to each one of them. Serenity didnt want to talk so she just waved and gave a small smile, but that didnt last.

"Speak Serenity. Thats rude" her father said rasing his voice.

"Hello, Im Serenity." As soon as she started talking Jordan looked straight at her and didnt stop until Serenity's mom said dinner was ready. Then they all walked to the table and sat down. Once Serenity got in the dinning room there was only one seat left and that was right next to Jordan. She sighed and just sat down to eat.


The whole dinner was so awkward but everyone made small talk except me. I am now washing dishes in the kitchen when someone tapped my shoulder. Turing around I see Jordan standing there.

"Yes?" I said looking confused as to why he is tapping me.

" I know you didn't want this and neither did I, but our parents do what this so I'm willing to make a deal with you for their sakes and to keep you somewhat sane. How about we be together for 5 months and try to make it work but if it doesn't then I will not go through with it and everything will go back to how it used to be before I can into your life." Jordan finished and I was just staring at him with my mouth wide open. He used his pointing finger to close my mouth, as he was doing that I looked in his eyes and seen a somewhat nice guy, but I still don't know him. The million dollar question is am I going to be able to handle 5 months as his "girlfriend". Still looking at him I finally came to an answer.

"Yes. That sounds like a good plan" I said with a small smile.

"Cool and by the way I'm Jordan baker. Thought I might as well introduce myself." He said handing his hand out for me to shake.

" I'm Serenity Johnson" shaking his hand back.

"Oh before I leave here you go. Happy birthday Serenity! Sorry you had to go through this on your birthday." Jordan said handing me a small box smiling before walking out the door with his family. How did he know it was my birthday? I opened the box and it was a charm bracelet with the letter "S" on it and it had the number 18 on it too. I was so shocked that I started to cry. He doesn't even know me and he got me a gift for my birthday unlike my parents who didn't even tell me happy birthday. I ran to my room and started to cry about everything going on. I put the bracket on and decided to go to bed. While putting the bracelet on I noticed a paper in the box that had a number on it, which I'm guessing in Jordan's number. I decided to text it.

Serenity 🥺🌹: hey, Jordan

Jordan🏈💚:hey who is this

Serenity 🥺🌹: Serenity Johnson

Jordan🏈💚: oh hey did you like the gift?

Serenity 🥺🌹: i did that's why I texted it's beautiful, but how did you know it was my birthday?

Jordan🏈💚: my parents told me and I knew your birthday was ruined for this dinner so I got you a present to make it somewhat better, hope it did.

Serenity🥺🌹: it did 🥺😭 thank you for it ❤️

Jordan🏈💚: np love if you want we can hang out tomorrow after practice?

Serenity 🥺🌹: sure why not, but I don't have a car to meet you anywhere

Jordan🏈💚: that okay I'll just pick you up when I'm finished

Serenity🥺🌹: okay thanks again

Jordan🏈💚: np see you tomorrow goodnight serenity

Serenity🥺🌹: goodnight Jordan

After texting back I put my phone on the charger and started to drift to sleep.

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