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Jordan's POV

Waking up to my alarm going off, i tried getting up to go home key word "TRIED". Serenity was on top of me and she wouldnt let me go for anything. Im not going to lie, she looked good as hell when she was sleeping and i feel like we have been getting super close within just a few days. She is so different compared to other girls that ive been with in the past. I hope these next 5 months are good and happy. I slid out of the bed with serenity still on me.

"Serenity i have to go home and get dressed for school, ill be right back when im finished 1 hour tops."

"Ok, when you come back ill be dressed and ready to go."Serenity said standing up still hugging me. i hugged her back and kissed her forehead with a 'see you in a few'. Walking to my car i called my mom and told her i was on my way home.

Pulling into the driveway I noticed that Liv already left for school. I hurried up into the house and took a shower. After 10 mins I got out, did my hygiene and got dressed in my football jersey with some jeans and my Jordan's. Grabbing my things I left out to go back and get serenity.

"Jordan! Wait come here real quick"

"Hey guys what's up". Both of them looked at me, then looked at each other.

"Where are you going?"mom said.

"I'm going to get McDonald's then go get serenity so that we can go to school"

"So you guys are hitting it off well" my dad said looking shocked.

"Well yeah we kinda don't have a choice." With that I walked to my car and drive off.

Serenity POV

Getting out the shower I did my hygiene and got dressed in Jordan's jacket that he gave me with some ripped jeans and some Jordan's. After getting dressed I did my hair into two buns with some strand of my curls out. I was looking cute! Taking over a million picture in the mirror I finally found the right picture, but before I could post it someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it"

"Yo new baby daddy!" I started smiling instantly knowing it's Jordan. I opened the door wide and gave him a hug. He hugged me back with a kiss on my forehead.

"I brought you some food from McDonald's." I looked at this man like i know the fuck he didn't just bring me food. I smiled so hard and grabbed the food walking away.

"Wow so I don't get a thank you or anything"Jordan said pulling my arm so I can face him .

"Thank you Jordan." I gave him another hug and walked to the kitchen to eat my food. Jordan came in and sat next to me eating his food. We ate our food in silence.

"Alright we gotta go mamas." I groaned while getting my things so we can leave. I grabbed my phone and my backpack, then we headed out.


We pulled into the school and it was big compared to my old school Lake Beverly prep. Jordan parked to car and got out. I stayed in the car scared to get out and face a lot of new people. Jordan knocked on my window. I looked at him not wanting to come out. He opened my door and grabbed my hand.

"Hey it's gonna be okay I'll be here all through the day and you can always text me to meet you if you need me too okay?" I nodded my head and he helped me out of the car. He intertwined our fingers as we got ready to walk into the school. Walking in everyone was looking at us so shocked. Some girls gave me dirty looks and some guys gave Jordan dirty looks. Jordan took me to the office to get my schedule.

"Hi. May I help you?"

"Yes I'm here to get my schedule"

"Serenity Johnson?" I nodded and he handed my my schedule. I only had 4 classes(1,2,4,and 6). Jordan grabbed my schedule and smiled at it.

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