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Serenity POV

I woke up hearing my phone dinging. I looked at it and it was my alarm telling me it was time for school. After turning my alarm off I got in the shower and then got dressed for school. I started walking down the stairs after I was fully dressed in a cute black dress and some gold sandals.

"Good morning buggy"

" Morning mom"

" So I forgot to tell you that we switched your schools so that now you can go to Jordan's school and he can take you to school now" my mom said as if it was normal. Now I know this bitch didn't just say what I thought she said.

" What!! Why would you do that? I dont wanna go to his school with him and his friends!!"

"It's not up for discussion Serenity!! Your going to Beverly Hills High School now so drop it!!" My mom said yelling at me. I grabbed my stuff and ran out the door all the way to the end of the drive way and sat at the curb crying. Why would they do this to me? I already have to marry him without my own consent and everything why would they have me switch school. In the middle of my thoughts I heard a car pull up by me and someone get out.

"Serenity! Are you okay? Why are you out here it's chilly out!" I looked up and seen Jordan taking off his jacket just to put it around me and sit next to me.

" They are making me go to your school and I don't want to go there. I love my school and my friends I don't wanna leave them just because if this arrangement that they made!" I yelled while crying.

" Oh Serenity I'm sorry I didn't know that they made you switch schools. My parents just told me to pick you up and take you to school. I'm sorry that you have to go through this." He said while making me look at him as he wiped my tears away with his thumbs. I looked at him in his eyes and he just smiled at me. I smiled back and leaned into him laying on his chest since I'm so much smaller than him.

" Hey we don't have to go to school today if you don't want to. We can skip and get to know each other and stuff so that we aren't completely clueless." He said making me laugh. I looked at him and nodded my head yes. Jordan stood up helping me up and into the car. Getting in we took off driving around. We started talking and turns out we have a lot in common. My favorite color is blue and so is his, we both are 18, we both hate math with a passion and we both are into music. As of right now we are walking into Chick-fil-A.

"Thank you " I said while Jordan was holding the door open for me. We heading to to the line and started talking waiting for it to be our turn.

" Yo bro she bad as fuck. I would totally hit that from the back." Some dude behind us said. Jordan looked like he was getting mad, so I decided to be bold and grab his hand. He looked at me and I mouthed ' calm down please'. He nodded and we started moving up. We was doing fine until dude wanted to keep talking.

" Dude seriously she got a fat ass bro like mhm." When he said that he slapped my ass hard asf. I gasped and looked back at the dude. He just smiled and started laughing with his friend that when a fist came across his face and he went down. Jordan was on top of his beating the shit out of him.

" Jordan stop!! Please stop! It's not worth it come on!!" I said grabbing him off of the dude. It was hard cause Jordan is strong as fuck, but I got him pushing him back towards the door.

"Touch my girl again and I will fucking kill you lil bitch ass nigga!! You never touch a women like that!" He said moving back towards the dude. I grabbed his face forcing him to look at me. He looked at me.

"Stop it please. Let's just go, come on Jordan." He looked back at the boy and looked there for a while.

"Jordan please come on" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him to his car. Once we go to the car we got in and just say there for a while. I looked at Jordan and he had his head in his hands. I touched his hand and he looked at my hand then me.

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