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Serenity POV

I wake up hearing someone talking very loudly and it sounded like Jordan and his dad talking. I sit up to see them in the doorway of Jordan's room. Looking at them intensely to see what they are talking about and Mr. Baker noticed and stopped talking then pointed at me before looking down. Jordan looked at me with sad eyes like he was sad for me. I get up and walk over to them, Mr. Baker decided to leave when I got up.

"Jordan what's going on"

"Uhmm..... Serenity there is some bad news and you might won't to sit down for this." As soon as he said that I got scared of what was about to be said but I needed to know so I sat down.

"So Ren yesterday your parents plane crashed into a huge baseball field and they were seriously hurt but ..... Ren I'm so sorry... you mom didn't make it to the hospital she was seriously hurt." He says this and my heart felt so heavy and thinking about it I start to bawl my eyes out. Jordan comforted me. I just want to go and see my dad now.

"Can we go see my dad please?"

" of course just get dressed and I'll be downstairs" Jordan said before kissing my forehead. Once he left the room I cried harder and harder just thinking about the fact that my mom was gone, my best friend was gone, the only person I could talk to about my problems. I just can't believe that she is gone.

15 minutes later I was done crying at the moment and decided it was time to see my dad. Jordan came and checked on me 3 times durning the 15 minutes. I got dressed and walked downstairs to see Jordan on the couch with his head in his hands. Walking over to him I touched his head which made him just grab me and pulled me closer to him so that he could put his head on my stomach. We sat there in pure silence until Jordan put his head up to look at me.

" okay let's go see your dad." We headed for the door and out to the car. Jordan opened my door for me, getting in immediately I started to look out the window. Jordan gets in and starts up the car and we were on our way.

Pulling into the hospital Jordan parked and we sat there until I was ready to go inside. I took a big breathe and said to myself that he was still here not with mom. I shed a tear but I was ready. I nodded to indicate to Jordan that I was now ready to walk inside. We both got out the car and walked hand in hand to the entrance. Jordan knew exactly where we were going. We went up to the 10th floor as I saw Olivia, Spencer, Layla, Asher, and another guy I don't know sitting in the waiting room. Olivia looks up and sees us so she stands up and walks to me. Everyone got up and walked over too. They didn't say anything, but just hugged me and I hugged back. We hugged for a few minutes more then i finally let go.

"Im so sorry for your loss Serenity, I just want you to know that we are here for you if you need us" Layla said. I nodded my head and looked down when Jordan hugged me.

" We are going to go and see Ren's dad and we will talk to you guys later." Everyone said ok and then we were on our way to my dad's room. Walking into his room and seen him hooked to all those machines made me cry running to his side. He looked so pale with a breathing tube in his mouth and all kids of machines with tubes coming out of his arms. I just want to be with my dad and not have to worry about anything else, but for him to get better then for him to come home with time. Sitting in the chair next to his bed grabbing his hand while jordan sat on the couch just staring and watching me carefully. After about 30 minutes of just sitting there a doctor came in and he was surprised to see us sitting there.

"Hello im Dr. Washington and may i ask who you guys are."

"Im Jordan and this is my fiance' Serenity, she's his daugther" Jordan said.

" Oh wonderful a relitive. I've been trying to find a close relitive to as for blood, but had no luck until now. Are you willing to give blood to help your father?"

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