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Jordan POV

I can't believe she slapped me. I just sat there holding my face as the boys just was laughing at me.

"Why did you just give her the phone back Jordan"Spencer said laughing in between words. I just looked at him and he stopped laughing knowing I was already pissed. The bell rings for class to start so we head to the gym. We all have this class together so I'm going to talk to Serenity to see if she is okay. I didn't mean for him to bump into me I was just playing around. As I was walking to the gym I saw Simone so I turned around hoping she didn't see me.

"JORDAN WAIT"she said running up and catching me.

"What Simone" I said groaning with annoyance.

"Well I wanted to talk to you by- WHAT THE HELL HAPPEN TO YOUR FACE" she said seeing the red hand mark on my face.

"That's none of your concern anymore Simone so what do you want." I think she knew that it was Serenity. She turn starting to walk to the locker room, grabbing her.

"Stop if you touch her Simone I promise your life will become a living hell." She turned around and smirked at me. Out of no where she kissed me hard, I tried to pull away but her hands had me pinned. Then I hear my name. I pulled back really hard and saw that it was Serenity. She was balling her eyes out, but it wasn't even like that. I didn't want this to happen. Serenity ran up to me and snapped me, but before she could run away I grabbed her body and pulled it close to mine.

"It's not what it looks like I promise just listen to me please Serenity" She continued to struggle and trying to get out of my hold.

"Serenity she saw that you slapped me so she was about to go after to and fight but I grabbed her telling her not to, so then she smirked and kissed me. That's when you walked out and saw us. I tried so hard to pull away but she had a death grip on my head so I could pull away. I promise I would do anything to hurt you.... I like you to much to do that to you."i said now crying softly. She stop moving and relaxed into my touch. I let go of her just to see her turn around and walk away from me. She walked straight up to Simone saying something before she punched Simone right in the face instantly knocking her out. Serenity continued to punch her in the face even though she was already on the floor out cold. Running over to her I grabbed Serenity off of Simone.

"He's mine now bitch!! Get over it he doesn't want you so stop trying to brake us up!" Serenity was heated. She was over my shoulder yelling at Simone even though Simone couldn't hear her. This was a whole different side of Serenity that I have never seen before and I'm not sure if I like this side or if I don't. I mean I completely love the fact that she is sticking up for our relationship but I'm not sure if I like her fighting. As we made our way outside of the school by my car I finally put her down. She had her arms folded over her chest just looking so angry with me. I don't get it!! Instead of making the situation worse I decided to try and make it better so I came up with an idea. Taking out my phone I texted the gang to see if they wanted to go.

Jordan: Yo I'm thinking about taking Serenity to our beach house in Venice durning winter break starting this weekend and wanted to know if y'all wanted to come too.


Layla: me too! So excited

Olivia: Me and Asher are in!!!!

Everyone is on bored now I have to ask mom and dad if we can go.

Jordan: Mom, Dad is it cool if my friends and I go to the beach house in Venice for winter break this weekend?

Mom: I'm okay with is as long as your dad says yes.

Dad: I guess you guys can why not. But just know you guys have a lot of practice when you get back

Jordan: got it thanks guys
Good!! Now it's time to tell Serenity I hope she gets excited about the trip.

"Soo I have a surprise.... how about we go to my parents beach house in Venice for winter break just to get away with our friends. How would you feel about that?"I said smiling at her as she looked at me so excitedly. She jumped up and down before jumping on me kissing all over my face. That goes to say that she loves the idea of going on this trip.

" Can we go shopping? I have nothing to take with me I mostly have your clothes"she said with a slight pout. I nodded and told her to go inside and grab her things so that we could just go now.

"We still have two more classes to do Jordan"

"I have free period next, so do you and this period is about to end because you wanted to fight which made time seem to go faster." She thought for a minute before she walked back inside and got her stuff. That's what I thought. She was the one who wanted to go shopping and now she about to go shopping but worried about classes that she doesn't need to be here for. I got in the car pulling it around to the doors. Serenity walked back out with her stuff and everyone else walked out too. I did a smirky laugh looking at them run to their cars.

"They wanted to come too"she said smiling at me before hopping into the car. Without waiting for the others I drove off to the mall knowing that they know where to go. After a good 15 mins I pulled into the mall parking lot and parked the car. Looking over I see Serenity sleeping so I get out and walk to her side. I open the door and gently woke her up.

"Ren, Ren we are here." She started to wake up and looked at me before getting out of the car. She started to get hella happy about the mall. We waited a few more minutes for everyone I get here before we walked inside. I see the other pull up so I grab ahold of Ren's hand and walked over to them.

"About time y'all get here damn" I said laughing a little.

"Shut up Jordan!"Olivia said. Everyone got out the car and we walked into the mall.

"We going to forever 21! Let's go boyssss!!!" The girl yelled before running over to forever 21. The guys and I looked at each other knowing what was about to happen groaning. Let's get ready to hold them bags....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2021 ⏰

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