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"Finally," Jack whispered to himself.

He watched as the lights in Scout's window flickered and then turned off.

Jack gripped his staff and stood. He groaned, stretching his neck and back heard a bone pop.

He had been crouching in the leaves for an hour, waiting for Scout to stop playing video games and finally fall asleep.

Now he could exact some winter hijinks on the punk who had ruined Jamie's snow day.

He summoned a cold breeze to push the window open, just a hair.

As he brushed some leaves from his hoodie, he wondered just what mischief he could cause with his powers.

Maybe he could put snow in the boy's slippers so he'd get cold feet in the morning. Or maybe frost the cover of his spoon when he ate his breakfast cereal in the morning, so the metal would stick awkwardly to his tongue.

Jack paused. This didn't feel right.

He swore to protect children when he became a full-fledge guardian. He remembered that moment on the frozen lake, when North had read to him the oath with the company of the others and the children, including Jamie.

He sighed. Still, something had to be done about Scout.

He held out an empty palm and with his magic, summoned a snowball that twinkled with blue frost. 

It was his signature power, the ability to make someone feel the excitement and joy of a day in the snow.

He took aim, ready to release, when a scream sounded from Scout's window.

Jack dropped his snow, shocked.

Another scream sounded and he flew to the window, staff in hand.

He pushed open the window, ducking into the boy's room.

"Scout!" He called out.

He paused. He saw the large boy, shivering in his bed. His eyes were wet with tears and his nose was running. He was wearing black pajamas.

"Scout," Jack flew over to him. "Are you okay?"

The boy whimpered.

"It's okay," Jack held up his hands tucking the staff away. "I won't hurt you."

"Mhmmm." The boys eyes weren't looking at Jack. Rather, at something behind Jack.

He turned, just in time to see something dark and massive rush out of the boy's bedroom. 

Jack gripped his staff and flew after it.

The thing barred down the hallway, causing a loud ruckus, knocking over paintings and umbrella stands and whatnot.

Scout's parents emerged from their room, Scout's mother in the lead.

"What in the world?" Her eyes widened.

The thing continued on. For a moment, Jack thought it would flatten the woman in its path, but instead, it rushed through her in a cloud of blue mist. She didn't flinch.

She did however gape when Jack dodged overhead, flying after the thing.

"Sorry!" He called. 

The dark mass rushed out the front door, causing snow and ice to fly in different directions.

Jack followed close in pursuit.

The thing made it out of the backyard and into the street. It paused, as there was only two directions to go in: the sides of the fenced off yard and the rest was blocked by a large two story building. 

Jack grinned; he had it cornered.

The creature sped up, and in a flying leap, bounded onto the roof of the building and disappeared from view.

Jack flew upwards and hovered in midair. He didn't see anything among the large rooftops of the town.

He heard a noise and looked down. 

A pair of glowing green eyes looked back.

"What are you?" Jack muttered.

The eyes blinked and vanished.

"Hey! Wait!"

Jack fluttered down and looked. 

The eyes--and whatever else was attached to them--were gone.

Rise of the Guardians: The Forgotten GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now