Chapter 2

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The servants continued to set down the furnishings and unpack the boxes. They knew the penalty for any damaged items, and even their method of unboxing was flawless.

"It's odd that there's a second bed... move it out. We can put the entertainment system there... hmm, but that would leave the center barren... Alright, leave the bed where it is. I've read that it's good to alternate where one sleeps."

Myrcella had been part of the academy since she was a child, boarding began during eighth year, but this was her first year in the Upper Class. There was more to this year than just earning good marks, she could do that with ease. But due to her extra credits, this would be the first year where she would actually be taking a few courses with her brother.

He always earned their father's favor, and he did it without trying. That was the worst part of it. Still, she wouldn't let that stand in her way. No matter how much harder she needed to work, she would.

"You all seem to have a handle on this. Be sure to be done before I return from orientation."

Sephora sat next to Lucretia in the middle section of the auditorium. "We got the best seats in the house!"

Lucretia looked over at her with a soft smile as the siren kept wiggling to see between two very tall boy's shoulders. "We can move. There are still a few spots open on the right side."

Sephora looked over at her with a very skeptical brow. "And miss all the action?"

"Right... what was I thinking?"

"It's okay. Now shush. The Headmaster is talking!"

It was a pretty standard orientation. Rules that basically boiled down to "Act like a decent person." For all her talk, Sephora was having a difficult time staying focused on what Headmaster Lenore was on about. Her mind kept drifting back to the fact that she was going to have to start at this new school without Lucretia.

The whole reason she even wanted to go to this academy was for her. It was always so sad whenever summer ended and Lu had to go away for what felt like forever.

Sei had been going to the academy for quite some time as part an experimental Siren outreach program, but Sephora had stayed back with all her family and friends.

When she was practically still a guppy, Sei helped her sneak up on land where there they found a small beach-based witch village. That was how she met Lucretia and she didn't even seem to mind that she got a tail whenever she was wet. Sure, they had to convince some of the older villagers not to try and harvest their scales, but after that hurdle, they were really very accepting.

Joining the academy was Sephora's way to guarantee that summer never had to end. She was already learning that there really were no guarantees in life.

"Sephy... you ready to go?"

"Huh? It's over? Already?"

Lucretia chuckled and pat her back. "Yes... I took some notes for you. I knew you would get distracted."

"That's why you're the best!"

The girls went to find Sephora's room first. Despite her brave face, it was clearly getting to be a hassle to hold on to her bags. They went to the door. Sephora opened it and stepped inside.

It looked so... so... dreary. There were red black out curtains and the only light source came from some pretty dim lamps. The furniture alternated between either red or black.

"Welp, it's kind of like the movies in here. It'll be great for scary movie Saturdays!"

Lucretia chuckled, "We can watch movies that aren't scary..."

"But we're so tough we can handle it!"

A slender girl slammed her hand on the large desk on the other side of the suites. "Can I help you?"

Sephora grinned and rushed over to hug her, only to be stopped in her tracks by the girl's hand to her forehead. "You must be my roomie!"

"I live alone..."

"Not anymore! I'm Sephora and this is my bestie, Lucretia. And you are..."

"No. Get out."

Lucretia frowned. "We already spoke with the headmaster. She seems pretty set on this."

"Well she hasn't spoken to me don't get comfortable. You won't be staying."

Sephora smiled at Lucretia as Myrcella stormed out. "She's so nice. She wants us to be roomies too."

"Well it seems you are already a good fit. As I explained to your roommate, it is not negotiable."

"I've never had to share a dorm before. What's changed?"

Lenore sighed and stood up. "Yes underclassmen have the option because boarding away from home can be an overwhelming experience, but you should be old enough to share a dorm. Your families have even provided you with the largest suite we offer."

Myrcella scowled and uncrossed her arms as she stood up. "My family has poured so much into this academy."

"And yet when Lazarus didn't wish to share a dorm, he made arrangements to live off of the grounds. He hardly comes to my office, much less ever complains."

She sighed and turned to leave. Any comparison to Lazarus lent itself to being a failure. "Pardon the interruption, headmaster." 

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