Story 1 : The day the world was swallowed by GIR

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@DibCursedMembrane helped me write this//
One day, li'l Zimothy was walking down the street when all of a sudden, he remembered GIR had eaten the base. So, he changed routes and went to the store. What Zimothy didn't know was that, GIR had been following Zim to the store. Zim wouldn't have even noticed him if it weren't for the song he was quietly humming, "Peace is nice". When he arrived, the grocery store doors automatically opened.
GIR gaspeded in shocketh and screeched, "MASTA IS A MAGIC MAN." Zim turned and glared at him. "HOW DA FLIPPING CHEESE NUGGETS DID YOU GET HERE?!" They both stared at each other for a brief moment until GIR said, "I don't knooooow." Zim rolled his eyes and with a sigh, walked into the store.
He screeched and swallowed a car whole. He then laid on the floor and licked the paint off the road.
Afterwords, GIR said, "Tripole M M M!!!"
He ended up swallowing the entire road. "Gee am I thirsty." He whined.
He turned to face the ocean. "WATERRRRRRRR" GIR naruto ran to the ocean and took one huge slurp. The ocean was gone. With all then noise outside, Zim finished buying the things he needed and looked to see what was going on. When he saw GIR standing over the sand, he reeted, "GIR, y u, y u bulleh meh?"
GIR showed no mercy and ran up to Zim. "Why do I hear boss music-" Zim was cut off when he was vacuumed to GIR's mouth. And that was the last of our friend Zimothy. Dib watched in horror. "What the f-" "YOU'RE NEXT." GIR ran up to Dib and shouted, "I smeeell chicken!" As the disgusting Dib was swallowed whole by GIR, GIR remembered to most important thing, taco trucks. As fast as his stubby little feet could take him, GIR ran to the nearest taco truck, and with a rawr, ate the food in the truck and the truck as well.
People were soon gathering to see the humongous GIR eating up the planet. All of a sudden, GIR felt something hurt him. It was Professor Membrane.
Since he was a crybaby, GIR screeched, "I have been hurtededed."
This made Professor Membrane laugh because of how funny GIR screeched. When GIR noticed this, he nommed *ate* Professor Membrane and got so enraged, he entered big brain mode and made billions of calculations on how he could swallow the world in one bite. Finally, GIR enlarged himself to such a big size that when he went into space and attempted to swallow the Earth, it was gone in one bite. God was the last one alive. His words were,
"Ah sh*t, he we gu agin."
He hit the reset button.
The end...

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