Story 3 : GIR finds his papa

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As GIR and Zim approached the store, GIR kept repeating, "Zim, Zim, Zim, Zi-"
"WHAT IS IT GIR?!" Zim shouted.
"Caan I git a laptop... pls?" GIR asked.
Zim asked, "Why do you even want one?"
GIR began to compute 3 billion excuses, but his teeny tiny brain made him say one excuse.
"Cause' I want one!" He smiled.
Zim asked in an exhausted voice, "Why have you been bugging me for a laptop since we GOT HERE 3 HOURS AGO?"
"Beeeeeeeeeecause." GIR went on to floor and started playing a song in earrape version,
"YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE YOUR EYES, IF TEN MILLION FIREFLIES..." He continued playing the track, which started to frustrate Zimmerman. "EEEENNNNOOOOOOUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!" Zim yelled. Everyone turned to see what in the name of Heckels was going on. "Ehhh...I was trying to walk my dog! He just doesn't want to put his leash on." He grabbed one of GIR's ears and dragged him out of the store, leaving GIR bawling his $0.69 cent LED eyes out.
When they both got back to the base, Zim told GIR, "A'ight, imma go sicko mode, be right back soon."
Zim continued, "Do whatever it is you do regularly for now GIR, but don't cause trouble, okay?"
GIR responded, "Ooooooki, dooooooookieeeeeee..."
However, things were not as, "Ooooooki, dooooooookieeeeeee..." as GIR had put them. Instead, he was planning on breaking into the store, and stealing a laptop. While Zim was going sicko mode, GIR packed his taco and grappling hook (Reference, anyone?) and put on his dog costume before heading to the store.
When he opened the doors, GIR shouted, "I HAVE DA POWAH AS WELL!" He zoomed inside to find 2 security guards standing there. One saw GIR and screamed "IT'S A PIECE OF SHEET-" They both ran, both being stupid and bumped into a shelf. When all the shelves were knocked down. A box hit GIR hard in the head. He yelled in Windows XP start up noises. He looked down and grabbed the box. He gaspeded and hugged it tightly. "Mah laptop. Ur mines." He did mwa mwa to it's box head and it somehow furiously blushedededededededed. "S-senpai..I'll nevah let chu go.." It slapped him with the air. He then walked out of the store with a brand-new laptop.
When he got home, he committed nom-nom box and admired de laptop. When he opened up ze laptop, his $0.69 cent eyes began to burn because he saw his background had already been set to the most evil thing in existence, the song, "WHAT DOES THE FOOKS SAY?!". He yeeted the laptop out of the window. As he tried to fill his smoll bren with air, he heard something shuffle outside. He backed up a bit. The laptop yeeted itself bacc into the base. I T G R E W L E G S. (legs for days).
It began to spoked, "Gor, I am a tu papá."
The laptop picked up his dirt rat son, it heard a noise. It walked out to the front and looked up at the sky somehow. Two shiny meteors were coming at the s p e d of light.
[Bonus photo from yours truly DibCursedMembrane :') ]

 EVERYONE FOKING DIES the end : )[Bonus photo from yours truly DibCursedMembrane :') ]

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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