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Alright, this chapter will just be an introduction to the AU. It will be in order of events.

First of all, Fiddleford was not in 1960-something like the Stans. Ford took the engineering classes and completed the portal on his own. The Bill thing happens, and Stan is called. 

When Ford is pulled into the portal, Stan manages to fish him out. Ford has somehow gotten himself turned into a demon by this time (guys. It's Ford.). They reconcile and Ford tries to help nurse Stan back to health, but he dies soon after. Don't panic! He comes back as a category 10 ghost. They spend a month or so testing their new powers and getting used to things. Soon, Ford has an idea to defeat Bill. Stan asks, 'who the heck is Bill' so there's that conversation. 

Ford goes and builds the quantum destabilizer and with Stan's help defeats Bill. 

Once this happens, however, all of Bills power is shoved onto the Stans. Ford turns into an Alcor-level demon and Stan becomes something of a category 12. They panic for a while. 

After this happens and they have powers under control, the grant money eventually runs out, and Stan opens the Mystery Shack. 

Around 2012, Ford decides to get his 13th PhD, and goes to backupsmore for nostalgia's sake. He also de-ages himself to around collage age. There he meets one Fiddleford H. McGucket. That happens.

Around 2012, Dipper and Mabel Pines discover a thing called 'Gravity Falls Cryptid Society'. It consists of the Gravity Falls Zodiac. They agree to meet in Gravity Falls that summer.

This is the time the show happens in this universe.


That is all.

Appearances and personalities 

Stan- appears around mid-20s, wears fez, mullet!stan jacket. Personality is the same.

Ford- appears around mid-20s, same outfit as canon but no sash, red slitted eyes, stars under coat, personality is more shy, but can be Bill-esque sometimes.

Dipper- age 13, looks the same but wears hoodie instead of vest. Slightly more paranoid.

Mabel- age 13, looks more goth (dark sweaters lol), has small top hat glued to headband, wears shorts over leggings instead of skirts. Personality same as in the show, closer friends with Robbie.

Wendy- age 16, wears red flannel instead of green, denim vest covered in pins. Personality more protective.

Soos- age 19, looks pretty much same as in the show. Slightly more wise.

Robbie- age 17, wears scarf and has longer hair. Bit more sad than in show and is an aspiring artist.

Gideon- age 12, short hair, beanie, blank t shirts over long sleeves. Very shy, just wants to be part of things.

Fiddleford- age 21, jacket with elbow patches over dress shirt, ears pierced. Somewhat more introverted, suspicious.

Pacifica- age 14, denim jacket over orange dress, hiking boots. More rebellious, cares less what people think.

Yep that's it that's the AU hope you like it realityisanillusiontheuniverseisahologrambuygoldbyeeeeeeeee!

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