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"Mr. Stark?" Dr Erskine said, gesturing for him to open the pod.

Zoe stared at Steve, her eyes running over his body, "Jesus Christ, I need some holy water." She muttered, making Peggy chuckle.

"Tell me about it."

"Steven." Dr Erskine and Howard helped him get out of the pod, "Steven."

"Am I being a bad friend by staring?" Peggy asked Zoe without turning her head away.

Zoe shook her head, "nope. I don't blame you."

Zoe subconsciously walked towards Steve, trying to keep her eyes on his face but desperately failing, "How do you feel?"

"Taller." Steve breathed out.

Zoe nodded, "you look taller," she cleared her throat, and snapped her wandering eyes back to his blue ones.

"How do you like Brooklyn now, Senator?" Zoe heard Colonel Phillips asl Senator Brandt.

"I can think of some folks in Berlin who are about to get very nervous." The senator turned to Erskine, "Congratulations, Doctor." 

Dr. Erskine shook his hand with a smile, "Thank you, sir." the doctor's eyes flickered to a man standing by the staircase and slightly widened as the man pushed a button on a remote making the booth explode.

Steve instinctively covered Zoe and Peggy as the man grabbed the last serum bottle and escaped.

"Stop him!" Dr Erskine yelled as the man grabbed a gun and shot the Doctor twinge in the chest.

Zoe and Peggy grabbed their guns and managed to shot the guy twice, once in the stomach and once in the leg. Peggy immediately ran after the man, Zoe following after glancing around, making sure that everyone else was okay. Her eyes landed Dr Erskine and she felt sadness overtake her body. She said a quick prayer in her mind, even though she wasn't very religious, wishing the best for the kind man as she sprinted up the stairs.

Zoe saw Peggy shooting the car, managing to get the driver but once the man who killed Erskine got out and headed for the cab, she got in the car that dropped them off and started it, ready to follow the man she knew was gonna escape.

Zoe looked back to see Peggy shooting at the car that was quickly approaching her and was about to get out of the car to push her way when Steve ran out of the antique shop, tackling Peggy just as the car drove past her. Zoe sighed in relief before following the car, she looked in the rear view mirror and saw Steve running after the two cars. Her eyebrows raised as the man, who pretty much couldn't breathe on his own, quickly approached her vehicle.

Zoe turned her attention to the car in front of her and sped up, following him to the pier and in an attempt to get him to stop, she crashed her car into his from the back. Both cars flipped and while his landed with the door open so he easily got out, hers landed on its back.

She saw Steve running towards her car and groaned, ignoring the pain as she yelled out, "I'm okay, Steve. Go!" He hesitated but nodded and ran the opposite direction where the man had taken a kid hostage and pointed a gun at his head, still running away.

"No!" The boy's mother yelled in panic, "Not my son!"

"Stop it!" The boy yelled, squirming and trying to get away.

The man who stole the serum tried shooting Steve but Steve quickly grabbed the broken car door on the floor, holding it up as a shield.

"Don't hurt him!" The mother pleaded.

Zoe took a shaky breath and harshly kicked her door a couple of times until it opened. She slid out, feeling the blood seeping down her forehead as she ran after Steve and the guy who still had the boy in his grasp.

"Let me go!" The little boy exclaimed.

Steve and Zoe rounded the corner where the man had the gun pointed at the kid's head.

Steve held his hands out, "Wait, don't! Don't!"

The man points a gun at Steve instead and pulls the trigger, but the gun was empty so the man angrily threw the boy into the water and ran away.

"No!" Steve exclaimed, "Don't!"

"Go Steve, I got him." Zoe told Steve before jumping into the water after the boy and helping him get out.

"Are you okay, little man?" She smiled as the kid nodded, "do you want me to take you back to your mom?"

He shook his head, "no, it's okay. You can go help your friend."

"Okay, bud. Be careful, okay?" She ruffles his wet hair, "You're very brave."

"Thank you, miss." He grinned and ran back to where his mother is.

Zoe turned around when she heard a thud, she saw the man on the ground and Steve got out of the water after him. She rushed towards them as Steve and herself leaned over the man.

"Who the hell are you?" Steve snarled.

The man smirked, "The first of many. Cut off one head, two more shall take its place." He uses his tongue to break a fake tooth out of his mouth and swallows it, his mouth immediately starting to foam, "Hail Hydra!"

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