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"The Hydra camp is in Krausberg," Peggy explained to Zoe and Steve, "tucked between these two mountain ranges. It's a factory of some kind."

"We should be able to drop you right on the doorstep." Howard Stark told the duo as he piloted the plane.

"Just get me as close as you can." Steve paused, "You know, you three are gonna be in a lot of trouble at the lab."

"And you won't?" Peggy asked, glancing at Zoe who stood up to put her parachute on.

"Where I'm goin', if anybody yells at me I can just shoot them." Steve looked up, furrowing his eyebrows when he saw Zoe putting a parachute on, "What are you doing?"

"I'm coming with you." She stated.

"No, you're not."

"I wasn't asking for permission, Steven." Her stern eyes met his determined ones, "I was telling you."

"Please, Zoe. Just stay here."


"I don't want you to get hurt."

Howard breathed a laugh out, "She's been training since she was thirteen, Pal. I'm pretty sure she'll be fine."

Steve glanced from Howard to Peggy to Zoe, who had her arms crossed before sighing in defeat.

"Agent Carter, if we're not in too much of a hurry I thought we could stop off in Lucerne for a late night fondue." Howard smirked and looked at Zoe, "I'll take you when we get back, Zo. Although I'm disappointed you won't be joining us tonight." He winked.

Zoe jokingly rolled her eyes at him before turning to Steve, who was awkwardly glancing between the three of them, "Stark is the best civilian pilot I've ever seen. He's mad enough to brave this airspace, we're lucky to have him."

Steve cleared his throat, "So are you two...? Do you three...? Fondue?"

"This is your transponder." Peggy hands them each one, "Activate it when you're ready and the signal will lead us straight to you."

Steve examined it, "Are you sure this thing works?"

Howard slightly turned his head, "It's been tested more than you, pal." 

Shots were fired at the plane as they approached their destination and Steve headed towards the plane's open door to jump. Zoe got up and stood behind him as she prepared herself to jump.

"Get back here! We're taking you all the way in."

"As soon as we jump, you turn this thing around and get the hell outta here!"

Peggy raised an eyebrow at Steve, "You can't give me orders!"

"The hell I can't!" Steve smirked, "I'm a Captain!" He said before jumping out of the plane.

"Don't die." Peggy told Zoe as she was about to jump.

"I promise I won't, Pegs." She smiled and mock saluted before jumping out of the plane.

She lands next to Steve and they both run through the woods until they reach a road with trucks driving through it. They wait for the last one to drive by, running up to it and jumping inside only to be faced with two Hydra guards.

Steve nodded, "Fellas."

The guards yell out and attack. Steve and Zoe each knocking a guard out. They slip out of the truck once it slows to a stop, Steve knocking the man standing in front of it out, glancing back to make sure Zoe was behind him before heading inside.

They snuck in, Zoe pressing on a pressure point on a guard's neck to knock him out without a fight. The guard collapsed on top of the cell where the soldiers who were held captive were.

Steve and Zoe opened all the cell doors, letting everyone out.

"Who are you supposed to be?"Gabe Jones asked.

Steve glanced at Zoe, "I'm... Captain America."

"I beg your pardon?" Montgomery furrowed his brows.

"What about you, ma'am?"

"Agent Grey."

"Agent?" One of the many soldiers asked, "but you're a woman?"

Zoe rolled her eyes, "Yeah, a woman who just saved your ass."

Dum Dum watched as soldiers begin pouring out of the cells Steve and Zoe unlocked, he looked at Jim Morita, who didn't look American, "What, are we taking everybody?"

Morita took his dog tags out, "I'm from Fresno, Ace."

"Is there anybody else?" Steve asked, "I'm looking for a Sergeant James Barnes."

"There's an isolation ward in the factory," Montgomery told him, "but no one's ever come back from it."

Steve nodded, "All right. The tree line is northwest, 80 yards past the gate. Get out fast and give 'em hell. I'll meet you guys in the clearing with anybody else I find."

"Wait!" Gabe Jones exclaimed, "You know what you're doin'?"

Steve shrugged, "Yeah. I've knocked out Adolf Hitler over two hundred times."

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