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"You ready?" Zoe asked Peggy after they both got dressed in their uniforms

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"You ready?" Zoe asked Peggy after they both got dressed in their uniforms. The only difference being their hair, while Zoe had decided for the simple high ponytail, Peggy went for a messy low bun. They both applied their red lipstick and both had on red nail polish from their mini girls night the night before.

"As I'll ever be." Peggy smiled at her and they both walked out of their tent and waited for the boys to get ready.

Steve, Bucky and Elijah were the first ones out of the tent. They approached the women and smiled.

"Morning sis," Elijah wrapped an arm around Zoe's shoulder, "Morning, Carter."

A few minutes later, the guys came piling out of the tent and they all got into the plane.

The next weeks were spent destroying Hydra hideout after Hydra hideout. They only had three more hideouts left now, and then Hydra would be destroyed forever, at least they hoped.

They were currently walking through the wood to get to the hidden Hydra weapon factory. Steve was leading them and he stopped, making Zoe bump into his back.

She rubbed her aching nose, "Is your back made out of bricks, Rogers?"

Steve threw his shield at the top of one of the trees, a Hydra agent falling off it with a cry. Hundreds of agents jumped out of the trees, attaching the Howling Commandos. More than a dozen of them surrounded Steve and the rest crowded all the Commandos except for Zoe.

Five more agents jumped out of another tree and attacked Zoe. She shot four of them and jumped up, wrapping her legs around one's neck when she was out of ammo, she pulled him to the ground and choked him till he passed out.  She stood up and looked around, panting and another agent came up from behind her and tried to grab her but she quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled her whole body up, thrusting forward so she flipped him over. She straddled him and wrapped her hands around his neck, pressing on a pressure point that made him pass out.

As soon as he passed out, another agent hit her in the back of her head with a gun causing her vision to blur and darken a little. She grunted as he, along with another guard grabbed her and a third one walked in front of her and punched her in the face causing her to pass out.

Peggy shot the last guard from those who were surrounding her, looking around she saw that the guys were handling the guards but she panicked when she couldn't see Zoe.

"Zoe?" She called out, catching the guys' attention. Steve took out the last guards but left one of them conscious, throwing him at a tree.

"Where is she?" Elijah snarled from next to Steve.

The guard stayed silent, nostrils flared as he glared, "I don't know."

Elijah's jaw ticked and he wrapped his arms around the guard's neck, "What the fuck are you gonna do to her?"

The guard smirked, "she is to be the new fist of Hydra." He shrugged, "that's what I heard Zola say, anyway."

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Zoe let a small painful breath out as her eyes fluttered open. Her arms ached as they were handcuffed to a metal pole above her, the back of her head and her cheek were killing her but she kept a straight face on as two guards and Doctor Zola walked in.

"Hello, dear," Zola smiled, "how are you today?"

Zoe glared at him and stayed silent, watching as gestured to guards with his hands towards her.

"Strap her to the table," he said but saw the ghost of a smirk on her face, "wait."

The guards obeyed and stopped in their tracks. Zola grabbed a needle and filled it with a clear liquid before walking towards Zoe.

"I developed this as to prisoners." He smirked, "it makes you fe-actually," he paused, pushing the needle into her skin, "I'll let you find out yourself."

Zoe winced as she felt whatever he injected her with through her veins, making her shiver as it began to burn. Zoe's body suddenly became too heavy for her, she tried to move but felt paralyzed.

"Now, you can strap her to the table." The guards took the handcuffs off and picked her up, laying her down on the table and pulling the straps over her body to make sure she couldn't escape.

Zola pushes an iv pole towards her, hanging up two big clear bags with blue liquid in it. But she knew that they couldn't have succeeded at making Erskine's serum since this one had obvious hints of gold in it. He injected the inside of each arm with the needles, making her clench her jaw so she wouldn't cry out.

Zoe suffered through two more bags of the liquid, her whole body uncontrollably shaking as she felt the serum rush through her veins.

"Last one," Zola told her as he hooked another bag, this one purple, hooking it to her iv needle, "I'm afraid this one will burn, fräulein."

Zoe's bloodshot eyes glared at the doctor, about to cuss him out when an uncontrollable scream left her chapped lips.

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