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They met up with all the soldiers and began walking back to the base since both transponders broke.

"You okay?" Steve asked Zoe, who was dragging her feet after walking for a few hours.

She forced a small smile, "Yeah, just tired."

"Do you..um..would you like me to pick you up?" He scratched the back of his head, cheeks turning a light shade of red.

"No, thank you, Steven." She chuckled, "I'm good."

"Look who it is!" One of the soldiers exclaimed when they saw Steve, Zoe and the soldiers arrive.

Colonel Phillips and Peggy approach them and Steve and Zoe salute.

"Some of these men need medical attention." Steve told him.

"Medic," a soldier called out, "we got wounded.
Medic. Right over here."

"I'd like to surrender myself for disciplinary action."

Zoe blinked at Steve.

Colonel Phillips shook his head, "That won't be necessary."

Steve nodded, "Yes, sir."

"Agent Grey," Colonel Phillips nodded at her, "Good job." He simply said before walking away.

As soon as he left, Peggy wrapped her arms around an exhausted but happy Zoe, "You're late." She told Steve and Zoe, "and where the hell are your transponders?"

Steve and Zoe both sheepishly hand Peggy the broken transponders, "couldn't call our ride."

"Hey!" Bucky yelled with a grin on his face, "Let's hear it for Captain America and Agent Grey!"

The soldiers all cheer and Bucky smirked, pain evident in his eyes.

"C'mon," Zoe told him as the soldiers continued to cheer, "let's get you to a medic."

Bucky followed her to a tent and sat down on one of the beds.

"So," he began, "he has comics, now?"

"And movies." Zoe told him, her arms crossed as she smiled at Bucky.

Bucky nodded, "He hates them, doesn't he?"

"Despises them." Zoe nodded in affirmation, "this is the first time he's gotten the kind of recognition he deserves."

"Agent Grey?" An agent walked up to her, "Colonel Phillips needs you."

She nodded and turned to Bucky, "excuse me." She politely said before following the agent.

"Agent Grey." Colonel Phillips acknowledged, "Rogers told me you two saw a map of Hydra's weapon factories. We need you two to point 'em out."

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"The fifth one was here in Poland, right near the Baltic." Zoe told Peggy as she marked the place on the map.

"And the sixth one was... about here, 30, 40 miles west of the Maginot Line." Steve marked the place and a soldier takes the map away, "we just got a quick look."

"Well," Peggy shrugged, "nobody's perfect."

Peggy, Zoe and Steve walked over to Colonel Phillips who was looking at the map.

"These are the weapon factories we know about." Steve told him, "Sergeant Barnes said that Hydra shipped all the parts to another facility that isn't on this map."

Colonel Phillips nodded, "Agent Carter, coordinate with MI6. I want every Allied eyeball looking for that main Hydra base."

"What about us?" Peggy asked the colonel.

"We are gonna set a fire under Johann Schmidt's ass. What do you say, Rogers? It's your map, you think you can wipe Hydra off of it?"

Steve nodded, "Yes, sir. I'll need a team."

"We're already putting together the best men."

Steve glanced at Zoe and Peggy, "With all due respect, sir. So am I."

Agent Grey|| S. Rogers Where stories live. Discover now