Ben Drowned

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"Y/N!! Time to get off the X-Box for dinner!" my mom said. "Okay mom!" I say, turning my game off. You're probably wondering why my mom is so nice. (Because of the other chapters) She has had three kids, me, B/N, and S/N. She has been a single mother our whole life. I'm the youngest and B/N and S/N have moved out.

 She spoils me every day. My dad... Well, I've never seen him. I don't go to school because in first grade, I was bullied. I was bullied because I had pure red eyes. Every time I cried, I cried blood. Not enough blood that would kill me if I cried a lot, but just enough to make me feel uneasy. My skin is like, super white. Most of the girls made fun of me because, well, I liked the color green.

"Hurry up and eat Y/N, we got to go somewhere," my mom said, giving me my food. "Okay mom," I say, already almost done with my food. 

"Where are we going?" I asked, putting my dish in the sink. "Somewhere special. I got an eviction notice, so we need to move into your dad's place. Hurry and pack your stuff!" my mom said, rinsing my dish. 

For my mom, being a single mom was hard. She never had time to work on weekends and normally took the day off. If I was sick, no work. No school, no work. Anything that happened to me that caused me to stay home from school, my mom didn't go to work.

Ben's POV

Finally, my girlfriend and my child are moving in with me and the pastas. I've never seen my daughter, Y/N because of her mom never going away from her. She thought that if I came, the neighbors would call the cops because I have been lost for a few years now.

'Ben, we are coming right now. Y/N is just barely getting in the car. See you in a bit.' my girlfriend texted me. 'Can't wait to see you and my daughter.' I text back, almost crying. I really wanted to meet my little Y/N.

*The next day*


"Y/N! Y/N! We're here!" my mom says, shaking me awake. "W-Where are we?" I ask, rubbing my eyes. "At your father's place," she says, pointing to a big house. "He lives in here alone?!" I say, widening my eyes. 

"No, Y/N, I don't," someone says behind me. (BTW you outside of ze car.) "Benny!!" my mom says, running up to the guy and hugging him. "Hello Y/N, I'm your father, Ben Drowned. This is Slender's place or my boss's place. I am a killer and I work for a killer. That's all I can say. Now, could you tell me a bit about yourself?" the guy said, patting my head.

 "Umm... I don't really want to..." I say, turning away. "Oh, that's okay," he says, helping my mom and I pick stuff up to put it in the mansion. 

"Welcome Y/N and M/N, I'm Slender. This is my mansion," a tall guy with no face says. "Hehehe..." I giggle, playing with his tentacles. "Oh, these are very sensitive Y/N. I wouldn't be playing with them, I would be playing with Sally. The little girl over there. Pink dress, bruises, and brunette hair. She would love to have a new playmate." he says, pointing to a girl playing with dolls.

"H-Hi! I'm Y/N!" I say, walking up to the girl. "HI! I'm Sally!" she says, motioning for me to sit down and play with her. 

Slendergirl here! I hope you liked this chapter because I am so tired and I could barely think. I know I left it on a cliffhanger. I'm sorry! Also, I had a lot of fun making this one because Ben just reminds me of my friend Bree from school. She's short, scared of water, and loves video games. Anyway, goodbye my fellow people! I love you! Slendergirl out!

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