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A few weeks had passed since Kaede made the realization that he had a crush on Itsuki, he still didn't understand why. He despised anything relating to love, it was a distraction from his path to the high road. However, now that he was disowned by his father, he could do anything he wanted. He was no longer under the pressure of his father to be a politician.

He thought, "Well, considering the situation I'm in I might as well deal with it to just get it out of the way." He gets up and walks over to Itsuki, even after 5-6 weeks of crushing on her, he always forgets that he gets that giddy and tight feeling in his chest.

She turned around and had a smile on her face when she said, "Afternoon senpai!" Kaede felt his chest getting tighter and tighter.
"Afternoon Itsuki," He was trying really hard to not let his nervousness show through. But, it was nearly impossible when she looked at him with that cute smile of hers, wait what?! He can't believe he just had that thought, he didn't think like this before. 

"Hey, Kaede-senpai! Yumeko invited you to have lunch with us, I told her I would ask if you wanted too, she said she bought lunch for everyone!" Itsuki still had that radiant smile on her face and free food? It was basically impossible to say no.

"Well, it'd be rude of me to turn down that offer." Itsuki was jumping for joy and grabbed his arm and dragged him over to their table. Ryota and Yumeko were laughing and Mary looked annoyed. Judging from the way Itsuki was acting, as if this wasn't unusual, Kaede could determine that this was a normal thing. Yumeko gave Kaede and all-knowing look, Kaede couldn't help but get the feeling that Yumeko was plotting something, a strategy if you will.

"Oh hey Kaede! Long time no see, huh?" Ryota says. He gives a welcoming smile,

"Oh, where are my manners! Sit down with us!" He scooted over to make room for Kaede to enjoy lunch with everyone. Kaede never really had experiences like this, usually, he ate lunch by himself or with Itsuki in the student council lounge. Yumeko and Itsuki seemed to have a good time cracking jokes and teasing each other, Kaede couldn't help it and a smile had crept onto his face. Meari and Ryota noticed it and gave each other a confused look. Meari sent Ryota a text,

'Hey do you notice how Kaede is rn?'

'yeah, he's actually smiling for once'

'well yeah that's weird but what im talking about is the fact that it looks like he is smiling at itsuki'

'woah! you're right! i didnt even notice'

'of course you didnt, im gonna try something to see if my suspicion is right'

'what suspicion?'

'my suspicion that kaede has a thing for itsuki'

Meari put her phone on the table and grabbed Kaede's attention.

"So Kaede, how are you doing now?" Kaede quickly snapped out of whatever trance he was in, he had a small amount of blush showing through on his cheeks and he pushed up his glasses.

"Well uhm, besides my father disowning me and me getting kicked off the student council, i'm fine." There was a bit of anger in his voice. 

"Soooooooo, did you at least thank Itsuki for all she did for you while you were in the hospital?" Meari kept a straight face trying not to smile, because it was so obvious what he was feeling. More blush appeared on his face and he began to stutter,

"Well I-uh, haven't said thank you yet so I guess I can say it now. T-Thank you Itsuki," Itsuki had a surprised look on her face,

"Who are you and what did you do with Kaede-senpai?!" He just chuckled,

"Relax, I'm actually in a good mood today so there's nothing wrong with me." Meari muttered, "Besides you catching the crush disease" Yumeko kicked Meari's leg,

"OW! What was that for?!" Yumeko still had an innocent smile on her face. She extended her hand to Kaede and asked, "May I speak to you in private? I need to ask you something. Is this alright with you Itsuki?" Itsuki was a bit confused but said, "Sure...?" Yumeko grabbed Kaede's hand and they went to sit at another table far away. Ryota and Meari closed in on Itsuki,

"Soooooo, Itsuki, you like him?" Itsuki almost spit out her drink but covered her mouth before she could.

"I-I'm sorry, what?" 

"Don't dodge the question! Do you like him? Kaede I mean," Itsuki could feel her face getting hot and Meari and Ryota both had huge deviant smiles on their faces.

"Wow, it looks like Meari was right."

"Of course I was you fool." Itsuki still looked stunned. Then, they just began to tease her by singing that stupid song, Itsuki had never felt so humiliated in her entire life, and she was only a freshman!

*At Yumeko and Kaede's Table*

"So, Kaede, I have to ask, do you like Itsuki?" Yumeko had a straight face and was looking directly into Kaede's eyes to see if he was lying to her. He looked taken aback and cleared his throat.

"O-Of course not, that's r-ridiculous."

"Reall? Cause it doesn't seem too ridiculous to me and it seems very clear that you're lying to me, Kaede Manyuda." He cleared his throat again,

"What gives you that impression?"

"Well, for starters the fact that you looked a bit sad when she left the game the other day, more specifically when her hand left yours." He felt his face getting a bit warm.

"Also the fact that you were very obviously looking at her at the lunch table and smiling no less. So tell me, do you like Itsuki Sumeragi?" There was no use in denying it. He gave a heavy sigh and looked Yumeko in the eye and said,

"Fine, I confess, I do admiration for her."

"Correction, feelings. You have feelings for her." He rolled his eyes in defeat.

"Alright fine, I admit it, I have feelings for Itsuki Sumeragi, is that what you wanted to hear?" Yumeko smiled with a big innocent smile and said,

"Yes! That's exactly what I wanted to hear! And now I have reason to help you!"

"Help me? Help me with what?"

"With asking her on a date of course."

You still don't get it, do you Itsuki?Where stories live. Discover now