You still don't get it, do you Itsuki?

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The next day, Kaede pulled Itsuki aside to ask her something,

"Do you think we could...could..." He was trailing off not knowing how she would react. But, they were alike so she read his mind and finished his sentence for him,

"Have lunch with you? Just us?" He shook his head and she gave him a hug and just said, 'yes'. The two got their lunches and sat a table away from the rest of the gang. The two were sitting by themselves and just loving every minute of it. They ate their food happily and when they were done they just sat next to each other. Kaede kissed Itsuki's forehead and as if right on cue, Yumeko came up behind Itsuki and scared her. The two jumped up. The gang was laughing and Itsuki looked mortified.

"Aww, you two really do like each other don't you?" Yumeko said in the purring voice, the voice a cat would make when talking to its prey.

"Why would I not like my girlfriend?" Itsuki jumped,

"Did you really call me that? WHAT DID YOU DO WITH KAEDE?!" She dragged him down to eye level again looking frantic, he just had a sly smile on his face,

"I'm right here, Itsuki, you still don't get that do you?" He grabbed her face and kissed her the same way he did the previous night. The group was fake gagging,

"Get a room!" Meari said in a teasing tone, the group laughed, Kaede looked unphased.

"Well I do know all the secret hiding spots in the school, want to go to any of those Itsuki?" At this point he was just testing to see how red her face could get. The group laughed even harder noticing how embarrassed Itsuki looked.

"KAEDE MANYUDA!" She just hid in his jacket and her face was turning even redder. A satisfied smile crept onto his face and he just hugged her and stroked her hair,

"I'm sorry, you know i'm only teasing right?" Itsuki gave him an annoyed and pouty expression,

"NO! You said it so straight-faced and with such a tone that sounded WAY to truthful." Kaede shook his head and let out a sigh,

"Even after all that, you STILL don't get it?" Itsuki shook her head.

"I love you, that's all" He planted a peck on her cheek and right on cue the bell rung.

Itsuki went to class looking red as a tomato, and Kaede went to class feeling happy.

He hadn't felt like this in a long time, but he knows he will feel like this all the time when Itsuki is around, and that's all he needed. 

You still don't get it, do you Itsuki?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz