Come Again?

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Kaede had a very shocked and confused look on his face. He rubbed the spot between his eyes and just asked,

"Come again?" Yumeko looked very excited.

"I said I'm going to help you ask Itsuki on a date!"

"And why would I allow this?"

"Because I know everything she likes and I know that she likes you too. I need to help the baby of the group finally have something positive to look forward to." Kaede looked confused,

"Wait, she likes me?" Yumeko facepalmed,

"Like I said, you're extremely obtuse, now, here are all the things she likes and tomorrow is Valentine's day, so that will be the perfect day to ask her out!"

"Doesn't that seem all too cliche?"

"Itsuki LOVES cheesy movies, especially rom-coms so this will be a dream come true for her."

Kaede reluctantly listened to what Yumeko was saying and remembered all the things Itsuki liked. He and Yumeko returned to the table.

"What was that all about?" Itsuki asked, Yumeko smiled and just patted the girl on the head,

"It was nothing Itsuki, now, what are we going to do tomorrow?" Itsuki gave a great big smile,

"Well, I was thinking all of us could have lunch again tomorrow but instead we would go to the cafe down the street and then we could go to the fair downtown!" Itsuki looked so excited and Kaede was trying to hide how much he was blushing, he found her way too cute. 

"Sounds like a great plan Itsuki! Gosh, tomorrow is going to be a blast!" Ryota said. The bell just rung and it was now time for everyone to get to class.

"Well, goodbye everyone! Bye Kaede-senpai!" Itsuki said as she ran off to class. Kaede waved and just smiled. He quickly stopped when the others noticed, he proceeded to walk to his next class. The rest of the gang had the next class together so they discussed plans.

*During free-time in class*

"Alright Yumeko, spill"

"Well, your suspicion was right, Kaede does like Itsuki and it's quite adorable how red he gets when she's nearby or when he talks about her."

"We really need to get those two together"

"Oh I agree, which is why I gave him a list of her favorite things and the locations of the stores to get them, I also told him to ask her to the county fair."

"Aw man," Ryota said, "I thought we were all going together," Yumeko looked confused,

"We are, we're going on a stake-out to make sure their date goes well."

"Good thing we all live in walking distance of the county fair."

"This has to go well." They all nodded in unison. After class had ended, that was it, they all went home and waited for the next day.

*The next day aka February 14th*

It was now lunchtime. Kaede walked in with a teddy bear, a voucher for the nail salon, and a small bouquet of roses. He put the voucher and bear into a small bag and just had the roses behind his back. He walked over to the table and Itsuki immediately saw him.

"Oh, hi Kaede-senpai!"

"Evening Itsuki,"

"Come sit down with us! It will be like yesterday." Yumeko, Ryota, and Meari all gave Kaede a wink signifying that he needed to ask her right then and there.

"Can I talk to you for a moment first, Itsuki? I have something to give you." Itsuki got up and looked very confused, She then noticed his hands were behind his back.

"What's behind your back senpai?" Kaede had a nonchalant smile and pulled the bag and the roses out from behind his back and placed them in Itsuki's hands. She looked stunned and was blushing so hard.

"I was w-wondering if, you would like to go to the county fair with me?" Itsuki was still stunned and she managed to give him a hug.

"Of course! I'm just surprised that you asked first!" He felt relief and felt happiness at the same time. He finally sat down and watched as Itsuki looked in the bag. She was so giddy about the nail voucher,

"Yay! I've always wanted to go to a nail salon! Don't get me wrong, I like doing my own nails but it gets boring after awhile. Thank you Kaede!" He turned bright pink and just turned his head,

"Pff, it w-was nothing." He pushed his glasses up again. They all just sat and talked for the rest of the time being. After a while, the bell rung again meaning class was going to start soon. Kaede got up and was walking to his next class before he makes it out of the cafeteria, Itsuki runs up and hugs him from behind. He stiffens up and turns his head to see a very happy Itsuki.

"Thank you again senpai, also can I do something?"

"Do wh-" He was cut off when she yanked him by the tie and pulled him down to her level. She gave him a peck on the cheek and simply said,

"See you after school senpai!" and ran off. The initial shock lasted about 5 seconds before he touched his cheek and just blushed and smiled. He walked off to class in a good mood.

*After school*

It was now after school and Kaede had stood outside of Itsuki's class after his had gotten out, her class was taking a test so they had to wait till they completed their test before leaving. When she finished hers she saw Kaede next to the door. She looked surprised,

"What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you, why?"

"I thought we were going to meet at the fair!"

"I'm being a gentlemen Itsuki, of course, I'm going with you at the same time to the fair." She blushed heavily and grabbed her things. They walked together to the fair, she had her arm wrapped in his and she felt, safe and warm.

Yumeko, Ryota, and Meari all got ready and walked together to the fair.

"Alright, it's go time, we gotta make sure this goes PERFECTLY," Meari said.

"Yeah! We have to make sure Itsuki has a good time." Ryota said. Yumeko nodded in agreement, they all continued to walk and talk about their day and all the things that happened at school. They shortly arrived at the fair.

"We're here".

You still don't get it, do you Itsuki?Where stories live. Discover now