Chapter six

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If Ignis knew anything for certain, it was that it had been a mistake running from his home. Fleeing from village to village only to end up in the clutches of the enemy anyways. Had he not been such a curious child, perhaps he wouldn't have noticed the smoke from afar, nor mentioned it to his father. He'd have perished along with the rest of his family, as he should have done.

That being said, he'd have never met Prompto. The energetic little pixie that dug him out of the dark recesses of his mind more than once, or Noctis, whom became something of a brother despite being the prince of the nation that destroys the remains of his childhood. Even Gladio had become an integral part of his life, albeit by being oddly persistent and friendly, nevertheless, his perseverance paid off and Ignis allowed him through one of many walls. Ignis had lost a great many things far too early in his life and yet, deep down, he holds the hope that he might find something new. A fresh start after all of this. With any luck he'd live long enough to see the world change, for fae and man alike to live in peace again.

For now though, all thoughts of peace remains a faerie tale.

In the gardens, away from prying eyes, Ignis sat deep in thought and only stirred at the sound of heavy, uneven footsteps that could only belong to one person. "I thought you wouldn't be returning until the summer." He said, tilting his head towards the source of noise.

"What can I say? Dad weren't happy about my attitude," Gladio replied, settling down beside the elf with a grunt. "'sides, you gotta admit you missed me."

"The day I admit that will be the day Noctis- willingly- eats his vegetables, I don't wish to bolster your ego any further."

Gladio gasped in feigned offense and lightly punched Ignis' arm, earning him little more than a bemused glance. A comfortable silence fell upon them, simply staring off towards the forest, as if the world wasn't falling apart at the seams around them, slowly but surely. Thankfully Prompto kept Noctis occupied from time to time which gave Gladio and Ignis a brief respite. Time to just... Think, without distraction.

Winter was just giving way to spring and with it, both Prompto's and Ignis' spirits rose, every year without fail, they'd perk up at the newly bloomed flowers and spurts of greenery peeking through the mud and leaves. Gladio noticed Ignis' change in mood by the way his too-bright eyes lit up more than he thought possible, a sight he could hardly tear his gaze from no matter how hard he tried. He settled for thinking it was 'a fae thing', no humans he'd ever known were so chipper at seeing a flower or a blade of grass. It was endearing.

In recent months, Gladio had come to realise that perhaps there was more to this friendship than meets the eye. However, it mustn't be clear enough for Ignis couldn't see it or didn't care to acknowledge it. There were the lingering stares, touches that lasted a moment longer than necessary, jokes that often left one or the other flustered- not that they showed it of course. Whatever it was, was left unspoken and appeared to be staying that way. Gladio of course had other obligations that required his attention, ones that he'd rather not think of given his feelings on the matter. Ignis on the other hand, would deny it until his dying breath, even if it hit him square in the face.

"Hey- D'you ever think about what your life mighta been like if things had happened differently?" Gladio asked, twiddling his thumbs in his lap.

Ignis was silent for the moment, either reluctant or hesitant. Maybe both or neither. Until he finally spoke up, never looking away from the forest, "Once or twice. I often wonder what would have happened had I not looked out of the window that day, in a way, there's only one outcome. And what of you?"

"Dunno, the only big choice I made for myself was makin' friends with you and Prompto." He laughed, though saddened to think of what may have been had he not been a curious lad. "If- If you'd not looked outta the window... You wouldn't be here would you? Neither would Prompto." Gladio watched as Ignis clenched his jaw but relaxed after a brief moment, clearly he'd hit a sore spot.

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