Chapter four

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Eventually, a couple of weeks later, Gladio found time to track down Prompto and to his dismay the kid wasn't in the best condition. He'd been backed into a corner, a group of boys a little older than Gladio maybe, taunting him with both words and stones. To his surprise, Ignis stood between them as a shield, taking the brunt of the assault for Prompto's sake. As much as he wished to tell them to 'shove off', word would spread quickly that he'd come to the defence of the fae. His father would most certainly punish him for it, but something inside him refused to listen to reason, with little regard for self-preservation or proper judgement.

He barreled into them.

The boys all fell to the side like dominoes, sprawled out and startled. Nevertheless, they seemed ready to retaliate, until they saw who their attacker was. While Prompto looked ready to sink into the floor, Ignis looked furious and Gladio wasn't certain who his anger was directed at. If Prompto got any paler he'd be translucent.

"You'll get yours Amicitia, I'll make sure the Marshal hears about this!" One of the boys growled, chucking a stone at him before they scrambled to their feet and fled.

It didn't hurt. Gladio was bigger than most boys and had the power to back it up but he'd never intentionally harm someone else unless they deserved it. While these kids did, it wouldn't go unnoticed. Cor scared him of course, so did his father and the scolding he was in for later sent a shudder through him. It'd be worth it. The more he's observed the two fae, the more he's come to see that they aren't what he thought. It's easier said than done to prove that to them though, harder still to make everyone else see it.

Gladio dusted off his pants, giving both boys a once over. Prompto was fine, a little bruised and grazed, looking ready to spontaneously combust. Ignis was a little more beat up but overall he seemed fine, save for the nasty black eye and split lip. Any longer and maybe they'd have been worse off, just maybe, Gladio's not entirely stupid, he knows the pair could fight back if they wanted to. Or at least, Ignis could kick their asses.

Prompto unconsciously shifted to further hide behind Ignis, eyeing Gladio suspiciously, probably wondering why the hell a human is defending them. "You not gonna taunt us, too?" He stammered.

Now that hurt but it was fair. "No, got no reason to. You okay?"

The pixie nodded, still unsure. "We're fine. I... Thank you." Ignis said, he opened his mouth again to continue but decided against it. That was until he looked Gladio square in the eyes. "I believe I owe you one. But... Isn't your father going to be rather- Upset, shall we say- With you?"

"'Upset' ain't the word I'd use but yeah, I guess so."

"Then... Why'd you help us? If you're gonna get in trouble?" Prompto inquired, peeking out from behind the elf, staring at Gladio with mixed feelings. "'Sides, you don't owe us anything."

Gladio just stood there like a fool. Of course he didn't owe them anything but neither did they in return, it was just... A friendly gesture of sorts. But of course the boys would be sceptical, humans had been the least kind to the fae but maybe Gladio could try and make a difference, try and show everyone there's another way. Noct is the one he needs to prove it to, he's the future king after all, likely with Gladio at his side. Perhaps even Ignis will be there. If the three of them can get along- The four of them including Prompto, that is.

"Well, I'm not just gonna watch while they bully you, it ain't right. Look- I know we haven't been trustworthy, like at all, but... I just can't believe all the stories about your people after seeing you two," He began, idly kicking the ground. "If you'll let me, I wanna try to be friends... Or something. Not all us humans are completely evil, y'know?"

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