Takashi No

19 0 0

Adam's POV:
Takashi did not do what I told him to.
Dang it this boy can be stubborn sometimes but this. This?!. I sigh and sit up and look down to see a sleeping Takashi and getting up off the bed. I growl and look in the nearest mirror. "TAKASHI YOU JERK!" I scream and seen him fall off the bed "W-wHaT?!" He shrieked and looked up at me to see his little 'work's he just chuckled and stood up to walk towards me. I just growled at him while he just stared at me. He chuckled once more was about speak before someone bursts in the door shouting. "LANCE AND KIETH ARE-oh" they had light brown hair and looked around the age of 16 like a small gremlin. I stared at the small child and looked at Takashi. I sigh and saw that the small gremlin looking child had left with an evil grin. I looked back at Takashi whi had gotten a dark red T-Shirt and a pair of Jean's out. "Here put this o-" He stared but I stopped him "Sweetheart, No no no" He tried to speak again but I stopped him by putting a finger to his lips and searching for some better clothes "Fashion boy ~" Takashi said I just rolled my eyes at the familiar nickname. I used to and still do pick good clothes out for both me and Takashi and then that's when the nickname 'Fashion boy' came from.
After changing I head out and in search for food. I sigh and notice a large male (QnQ I'm sorry idk) was cooking and that some kids were sitting at the table. I then notice keith he was sitting next to dark skinned boy who had seemed to small I width. I just giggled because I remembered how small kieth was. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and I notice a certain metal arm. I sighed and giggled at how childish Takashi can be quite often.
I sat down at the table with the rest of the 'team' and seen that Takashi had laid his head down on the table. He had only done that when he was tired tho. "Oh come on shiro nobody's fighting" The boy who sat beside kieth spoke. I just looked at Takashi and he looked at me. I glared at him before he had quickly sat up and started eating again. I smiled and got up putting some dishes away that were dirty. I hear a sigh come from a certain someone. I look through the corner of my eye to see that Takashi was now slouching and pouting the others had left and or went to the living room next to the kitchen. I walk over to him and sit next to him " Adam I'm bored" Takashi said with a whine while snaking his arms around my waist and placing his head in the crook of my neck. I blush at the sudden movement and stood up leading to Takashi hanging on my torso. I smile slightly and try and hold back a laugh. "Your such an idiot" I said while giggling.
"But I'm your idiot~" he said while hugging me tighter.

'God I love him'

( I is happy now UwU also I hoped you enjoyed this even if it was short TwT ok well bye bye~♡)

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