Chapter 2

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When they arrived at the hotel, the car stoped. While the man was getting off the car, she untied the seatbelt and got off. One of the valets took the key from the man. The man walked with bigh steps, without showing the way to her, she followed him unbendingly.

The man went to the lobby and took the card without saying anything. He didn't talk with the receptionist. The threatening attitudes, the dark look in his eyes, were all the signs that noone could have courage to talk to him. So, the man was a regular there and he had a permanent room there.

While the girl was waiting next to him in front of the elevator, they hadn't yet spoke. When the doors opened, they both went in. The man touched the last floor button. The girl rested against the door of the elevator and didn't even look at which floor they were going. She simply didn't care.

While the man reposed his shoulder on the side wall, he looked at her. There were still no facial expression. He was looking forward decidedly. After a while, they both went into the corridor when the door was opened. Both were keeping their silence and walking on the carpet-covered corridor. They went through a few doors along the corridor, which didn't have so much light, and there were long cart stands in front of some of the doors. On every stand, there were colorful flowers in high quality vases. There were signs of luxury and privilege all around the hotel. When they arrived the door at the end of the corridor, he swiped the card and went in, so did she.

The entrance was to a large suite with a huge view of the Bosphorus. The man took off the leather jacket as soon as he went in and took a glass of whisky. The girl followed the man and did exactly the same thing, carelessly.

While she was drinking from the whisky, she approached to the window, watched the scene with empty eyes. The city was there with all lights, glitteringly; but she, her soul, was so dark just against these all lights. There wasn't any sign of light in her soul and all these lights seemed so fake to her.

She drank again. Just she took the glass off her lips, the man took it from her hand.

"You cannot get drunk this night. I need you sober."

He put her glass on a small table and while his glass on his other hand, he took the girl from her wrist and leaded her to the bedroom. She rolled eyes again while trying to follow his steps. It was better how fast these would be over.

As soon as they went into the bedroom, the man pushed her forward. She hardly stood up when her legs hit the bed, looked at the man angirly. The man gazed at her and put the glass on a small coffe table in front of the window. He started to take off his shirt and commanded her to strip off.

She hesitated for the first time, looked away from the body of the man. She had never lived such a situation. She had no idea what to do or how to behave. In order to have sometime and take a breathe, she asked "Can I take a shower first", with questioning eyes. Her voice is embrassed and calm for the first time.

The man halted for a moment, and pointed to the next door, "the towels are inside."

She headed for the door without saying anything. She was just entering to the bathroom when he asked that question, she was flinched "Are you using any birth control method?"

She turned towards the man with empty eyes. The man kept talking with a rough voice "Don't get me into trouble, getting pregnant whatever!"

"This will never ever happen," said she, raising her eyebrows. Her phrase was so clear and sharp.

The man couldn't figure out the meaning in her eyes but the tone of her voice made him surprised. Overtly sharp, overtly rebellious but a backward rage and a small disappointment.

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