Chapter 4

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When Sina opened her eyes, she realized that she was still under his arms. But she wasn't sure about him being asleep. Before she was wrong about that. She listened around for a few minutes without making any move. The man were taking regular breathes while her head on his chin.

She wriggled in order to control him. When he didn't react she tried to move away a little bit more. There was no response from him, she was sure. After the drug he had used maybe this was normal. At first this was so horrifying but maybe now this was her luck.

She moved away from his arms in slow motion. She stood up near the bed and looked at his face with tired eyes. Interesting... Inspite of all his shit, he was so calm while sleeping. As if he were so innocent. Sina knew that he wasn't. The man was an arrogant, experienced, rich bastard.

She took her clothes and walked into the saloon on her toes. She put on her clothes and with her boots on her hand opened the door of the suite, went out to the corridor.

She closed the door slowly. She was on pins and needles. If he catched her at the last minute, it would be impossible for her run away again.

She walked through the elevator with slow moves. While waiting it, she put on her boots. Examined her back pocket in a hurry. Yes, her money was there. She got terrified about losing it. she couldn't have the courage to go back into the room. When the elevator came, she run into it, pressed the button and tried to tidy her hair with her hand.

As soon as the door opened she went forward to the entrance and took a deep breath when she completely were out of the hotel. Everything was over, yes...

She proceeded to one of the taxis waiting outside and sat the back seat. She grimaced with the pain she felt while sitting. He really kept his promise...

The sun was shining. She couldn't believe in her eyes when she saw the hour. It was just 6 a.m. He kept her for all night. She told to the driver that she wanted to go Levent metro station. She wanted to use metro for Sariyer. She didn't wish that the man, in case following her, wouldn't be able to find her. The man would ask so many questions after this night and he was not someone to let her go without answers.

She didn't want to meet him never again. She thought Youmade your jubilee." A sadness came and sank into her. She looked out from the window. She was trying to avoid her tears blinking her eyes. She would never forget this night. She got pleasure from every moment of it...However, it should have been the otherwise. But she would say it to anyone. And even after this moment she wouldn't confess it to herself.

She went out from the taxi at 5.55. She was idling while going down the stairs. She bought a token for herself. She hadn't taken her season ticket since there was her name on it.

When the token came out of the machine she took it between her fingers. There were a few people around. The early workers were going through the metro. There were marks of sleep on their face. It was a heavy burden she felt in her as darkness and tiredness in the lightfull atmosphere of the metro. She was still hard to belive what she had done, she thought that all was a nightmare. This nightmare was different because she had witnessed her dark side too. The girl who had been there a few hours before was not her. She stopped and closed her eyes. She tightened her fists. The token was hurting her hand. But the pain of the token or this night was nothing in comparison with the pains she would suffer after this.

She, proceeded to the barriers. After tomorrow everything in her life would change. She would try to pull herself together for a few days, next week she would get that damn operation and everything, then, would be over.

She would execute all the decisions she took after the operation. She would leave the home, find a place to live alone. She would keep everything at certain borders. Her father, her big sister Asiye, her big brother, her nephew...all the burdens over her would be thrown. After this she would only focus on herself and her work. Her sister were married, she was happy. She was no burden for her anymore. She had never been a burden anyway. She tried so much just like her. Doing the best thing, she got married when she met with the right one, although it was an early age. She was peacefull for over a year and it was enough for Sina.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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